Here is a wonderful advertisement from the Center for Consumer Freedom on New York City's new trans fat band. I will agree to food control when they pry my last chocolate chip cookie from my cold, dead hand!
Art Photo - January 22, 2025
44 minutes ago
Believe me, nobody asked us what we thought about the ban. Just woke up and found out it was a done deal. Latest bit of out-of-control government paternalism - the LIRR wants to ban legal beer drinking on commuter trains. You might think that those politicians have more important things to worry about, like murderers and child molesters, but apparently fat & beer are their top priorities.
Hi anulla and thanks for visiting and taking time to comment. One wonders where our consitutional rights have gone when we can't even decide what we want to eat. Prohibition didn't work with booze. Why would they think that it will with groceries?
As annnulla said, we didn't hear about this before it was a done deal, but now there is lots of commentary. It seems as though this happens with much of our legislation.
They are smarter this time than they were with prohibition. Whereas all booze was banned, this just removes one little, unnecessary, artificial food product. I mean, who can really object - except those of us who see this as a first step. I fully expect that the day will come when our meals are delivered, prepackaged and scientifically balanced to meet our perceived individual needs. Mine will be 782 calories.
Sausage?? You'd better eat your fill now!
Hi NW, sorry it took me so long to see your comment. I couldn't believe, when I read the letters on the topic in the NY Times, how many people thought that it was perfectly acceptable to control what people eat. It is just insane and I am saddened to see the sheep-like mentality of the people who baa along behind the leaders in the food nazi movement.
Let me relate to you "7 Dirty Secrets About Center for Consumer Freedom"
1. The Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) was once called the "Guest Choice Network" is a front for the restaurant, alcohol and tobacco industries. CCF runs media campaigns that oppose the claims of mainstream scientists, doctors, health advocates, environmentalists, and left-leaning activists.
2. In a 1995 letter to Philip Morris, Rick Berman of Berman & Company suggested Phillip Morris form a front group to have restauarant owners appear to be fighting smoking restrictions on their own. Phillip Morris took Berman up on it and established the Guest Choice Network that later was renamed the Center for Consumer Freedom.
3. Berman & Company, a public affairs firm, represents not just the tobacco industry, but also hotels, beer distributors, taverns, and restaurant chains. They are not actually an organization of grassroots consumers fighting the good fight, whatsoever. Their name is misleading and intentionally misleading.
4. CCF has also attacked the Alliance of American Insurers, the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons, the American Medical Association, the Arthritis Foundation, the Consumer Federation of America, New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani, the Harvard School of Public Health, the Marin Institute for the Prevention of Alcohol and Other Drug Problems, the National Association of High School Principals, the National Safety Council, the National Transportation Safety Board, the Office of Highway Safety for the state of Georgia, Ralph Nader's group, Public Citizen, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and the U.S. Department of Transportation.
5. On November 16, 2004, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) filed a complaint to the Internal Revenue Service claiming that CCF violated its tax exempt status. The claim said CCF was involved in electioneering, did substantial payments to founder Richard Berman, and to Berman's for-profit public affairs company, Berman & Company. CREW stated that CCF was engaged no charitable activities.
6. Mr. Berman, as a lobbyist, supported a dangerous pesticide on apples. Berman wrote that consumption caused no harm. Mr. Berman was working with or for Uniroyal, the maker of the chemical. Later, the Environmental Protection Agency banned this insect repellent due to the high risk of cancer.
7. Berman now is attacking claims about mercury levels in fish., AnimalScam, CSPIscam and ActivistCash, PETAKillsAnimals, are all his sites that attack and focus on left-leaning organizations and movements. All of these websites have one thing in common: you can't leave comments and no forums. There is a reason for that. People would correct their errors and criticize their misinformation. And they don't want that.
Citizen might surprise you to know that I am aware of the origins of the Center for Consumer Freedom, that Alar on apples damned near devastaed the Washington apple industry and was later proved harmless, that I don't need some left leaning nanny telling me how to farm and what to eat and that you can email the center and get a reply if you have a problem with what they say. Peta wants to put me out of business, despite the level of loving care I give my animals so don't dump this drivel on me!
Oh and CP, if you have something to say in my comments be brave enough to have a public profile. Otherwise you are nothing but a troll!
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