Drive 171 miles to drop off one of your babies, far, far away.
This is the way to do it.....
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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
Beautiful! :)
Your baby looks so happy in that pic.
Great pics! I want to be in that wetland!
My favorite trip, 3C, right through the heart of the Adirondacks. Did you know that I organized a successful protest when they were going to do away with Pig Rock as part of a road construction project? Aren't you glad I did? :)
I don't know about 3C, but I'm glad you led that protest akaGaGa!
That pig's one of my favorite sights as I drive through that area. It never fails to bring a smile to my face regardless of the road conditions.
Same for those Moose Crossing signs.
BTW, I credit my kids tuba practice on the deck of my southern Adirondack Bolt Hole for the moose comming back to the 'Dacks!
can't find your sunday stills(?)..
Dani, thank was a happy sad kind of day. Love the Dacks, so it was good to see them. Love Becky, so it was hard to say goodbye
FC, I think she is. I hope she is.
And we were wishing for time and a canoe. It was so tempting. There were so many tempting waters...
Jean, I am glad. You should tell the story. I understand it was moved instead of being blown up? I seem to remember it up on a rock cut when we were younger. It is a pretty neat landmark anyhow and we love it.
Joated, I am glad as well. The rock has been an icon as long as I can remember. I wonder who keeps it painted so nicely. Tuba practice! that explains a lot. We looked and looked in every little swamp and bog we passed, but the only moose we saw was the one on the sign
moresecretwhispers, sorry, it was set on scheduled post. It is up now.
i was wondering where it was ..missed your entry :(
but thought i'd come check back
lovely photos..worth the wait ;)
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