Had to go the barn in the way before early, still chilly from night, dark time this morning. Couldn't remember whether I turned the milk cooler on last night or not.
I had to check. It is an obsession of mine. Did I turn it on or did I forget and spoil a night's milking? So far I have always remembered, or someone has reminded me, but there is a first time for everything I guess.
We have no young dogs any more. The "puppies: are 8 or 9. Mike will be 15 next month and Gael is 13.
And it shows. Mike can barely walk, with one bad hind leg and the old dog vestibular disease, and he is mostly blind and deaf. He no longer barks.
Ever. Even strangers can come and go right next to his crate and he doesn't even know they are there. His life is a round of dog food, sleeping and staggering through the house trying to find me or Liz, his people. When he walks by I put my hand in front of his nose, so he can know where I am and rest for a while....before he starts circling from room to room again.
He was so much dog when he was young. Taking on bulls and putting them where we wanted them. Herding heifers so well that the time came that I didn't even have to open his kennel run any more. They saw my hand go up to the latch and ran for the barn when I wanted them in. He just worked himself right out of a job.
My ever shadow, every moment of his life if he could. So smart that in the sleeping beside the bed years he only got up with me if I put on my glasses. If I didn't he knew I was coming back. If I did he knew I was up to stay. Now he sleeps downstairs because he can't get up them any more. It is sad to see him reduced as he is, but he tries...oh how he tries.
Gael has cancer and the old dog V disease. Getting around is a bit easier for her, but not much. She does still bark and take an interest in things just the same though.
This morning I let them out while I put my shoes on for my little check the tank excursion.They need to be out for a long, long time, because Mike forgets to "go". I don't know what we will do when winter comes....
When I headed to the barn, Gael knew where I was going, in that border collie way that they have. I told her to go back to the house, but she pretended to be deaf in that other way they have and trucked right on over to the barn yard gate. It is a long walk for an old dog. Behind us Mike let out a muffled woof.
He never barks.
But somehow he knew something was going on and he was missing it.
I gave Gael a firm "stay" at the gate and went on to check the tank
Which was turned on.
It always is.
She was waiting at the gate, quietly watching for me when I came back....in that way that they have. The night was redolent of passing skunk and something autumny blooming. The late summer insects were nearly deafening and the moon was full and fine. However, what caught my mind, as Gael and I walked back to link up with Mike and come into the house, was the fine and forever, as long as they live, loyalty and work ethic of grand old dogs.
Oh, and the love too. When the work is long done and the days reduced to the least common denominator, those old dogs love like it was their job.....and maybe it is.
Of Childhood
10 hours ago
It's so sad when pets get old and sick. You wonder if they're in pain and want to help, but they can't tell you in words where they hurt.
I'm trying not to tear up here. Dogs have always had a special place in my heart. Even if the only ones I've lost have been bratty little Pomeranian's and the 2 I have now are either lazy or nutz! :) I love them just the same.
Really nice post, 3C's... The love of our dogs is without limits..
What a nice post, I could "see" your walk to check the tank - with your escorts keeping you safe!
Great post!
Too bad they can't live as long as we do. I guess that is so we can help them to the other side, when thy get old and feeble and can't take care of themselves anymore. I think it's the least we can do for them after all they have done for us.
Funny - didn't notice a breeze or anything. How did this dust get in my eyes?
Beautiful tribute.
[tries to keep tears away from keyboard]
What a wonderful post. I know how you feel, Kits is getting up there and I hate watching the "signs".
It's so hard to see our beloved pets age. Wish they could live forever. I love my kids so much and I'm selfish to want them here always. They bring me so much joy.
New visitor, came by at Jeffro's suggestion. This is such a beautiful post. You are an amazing writer.
Our Aussie Shep died in June at 16 years old. I miss her everyday. Herding dogs are the best!
It's always sad when they get past their prime. But, it seems like they know and make their own retirement plans!
Cathy M, it is sad to see them failing, but I am glad they have their retirement...poor old guys
Sara, Dogs are terrific...I can't imagine not having them
WW, thanks, you are so right about that
Nita, it was a beautiful morning...and the old pups made it better, thanks
JB, thanks, and I agree very much. I spend quite a lot of time catering to the old guys but they have earned it ten fold. Back when they could work we took for granted all that they did...and it was a lot.
Jeffro, thanks so much for the link and the very, very kind words...they mean a lot
Jan, thanks, they have earned a lot from me
Linda, thanks, it is so hard to watch them aging so fast
The Wife, their time with us is way too short!
Heather, thanks so much for visiting and for taking time to comment...and for your very kind words, which are much appreciated.
Paul, they are amazing in that respect. We had no idea Mike's vision was failing when he was around ten. However, he began to herd cows out of the barn yard by flitting from parked tractor to parked tractor...slipping under them so the cows couldn't get at them.
Must be all the love that makes your crying pass through my monitor, wonderful old dogs you have. Oh, that isn't your crying it is mine.
Earl, that was such a kind thing to say. Thanks for saying it.
What a nice tribute to your dog buddies. It's so hard when they get old. We had to put our 2 down last year - one was 14 and one was 15.
I am crying as I write this...you said it so well. I love dogs (I love cats and chickens, and cows and ducks and all animals)but there is just something about dogs!
Thank you for such as beautiful tribute to some really wonderful friends we all have in dogs.
CTG Ponies, it is terribly hard, you are so right. And I am so sorry about your old ones. I am dreading the day....
Linda, sorry about making you cry. I was (and often am) so touched by how hard they try to continue in their lives of work and devotion. They are such wonderful animals!
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