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Saturday, March 23, 2013

It Never Rains

Things are pretty serious with our dear aunt, so while we were milking yesterday morning we were also on the phone with her doctor and her nurses, discussing and authorizing life-saving....hopefully...interventions that needed to be performed right then.

We couldn't be at the hospital because we HAVE to care for our animals. We have no hired help, there is only us.....and their lives are in our hands....

And of course while all that was going on, Lucky was having a big, red, bull calf, right in the middle of milking. Thankfully, even though its legs and head weren't quite straight in the birth canal, Liz was able to adjust and turn all the parts until they lined up and she delivered it almost entirely by herself....I held the head up off the floor, while she manipulated legs and pulled.

Scotty had had a little red heifer during the night, and her baby was taking great delight in running around the barn, attempting to nurse from everybody except her mother.

I think she had a nice breakfast from Booth, who was quite obliging. Would have been better to have rich colostrum from her mama, but she didn't want to go that route and we didn't want to milk her mama until evening to give her a better chance to get on her feet so to speak.

While I thank God for cellular communication, which made all this possible, how I would love a week somewhere away from phones. There was more than one time yesterday when I was using two at one time....truly....it was ridiculous.

And I am beyond thankful to my own mama. We had a nice chat somewhere in the middle of the day, which took my mind off all this hard stuff and gave me a chance to laugh and love. Thanks Mom!


Rev. Paul said...

Thankfully, my memories of helping Grandpa milk the cows don't include phones. They didn't get a phone until 1963, anyway, and never had electricity until he passed away in '66. Grandma had finally agreed to get electric service from the co-op, but sold the place before the lines were strung.

You had a busy day, didn't you? But just think: you're strong enough & handled it. :)

Unknown said...

There are moments when all we can do is look up and holler, while we're juggling hands and feet. But we should take heart in looking down as soon as we can. For, if we see one foot moving in front of the other... it's all good. That's God answering all the hollering!

You're not alone. I'm on a steroid pack, as well, just trying to hang in there with the surprises. But Dwayne and I will keep y'all in our prayers, hoping God will bless your aunt with healing, very soon!

Cathy said...

So you and Liz are helping to bring a new life into the world while also struggling to bring comfort and healing to a precious aunt.

I guess Rev. Paul said it. You're doing it all and still upright.

Prayers and good wishes for your aunt and you.

Terry and Linda said...

Terry and I were saying we were thankful for cell phones just for the type of reason you were now speaking of. Otherwise someone would have HAD to stay by the phone while others doubled up on the work.

Prayers for all of you!


threecollie said...

Thank you all for your kind and encouraging words. This is so hard! We love her. There is so little we can do...just pray and worry and carry on and hope we are somehow doing the right things.