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Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Il Pleut

Never thought I would miss this snow, but it is now a sheet of ice

Yeah, it is spitting and drizzling out, melting at least some of the ice, for which we are all most grateful. You can now pick your way to the barn on the patches of sand left over from encasement in the ever-growing ice sheet, and now melted out to be reused.

The polar explorers could have saved themselves a lot of money and measured the ice caps in our barnyard this year. Then when their boat got stuck they could have just called a tow truck. As long as he chained up good, he could probably have just towed them right on out, with no need for all that international distress.

Like Sunday. Liz 'n' Jade and the boss and Becky worked so I could have my morning off. I am treasuring each and every one, as it probably won't be long before Liz can't come down at all, and I feel guilty leaving just two people to do the chores. sometimes those couple of hours on Sunday are the only time I am alone all week...it is peaceful and I get a lot of work done.

Anyhow, they couldn't get up the Luge run...er house driveway....at all, so they came up the barn one. We are having some woods logged off and the skidder had chewed that up so they could. Jade came over to get Becky to drive her to the barn and his truck just began to slide away down the luge....

He managed to get it stopped but with the water flowing over the ice from the ongoing melt he couldn't move. Could barely walk over to the lawn where he could get some traction between the ice floes.

Smart boy, he went over and got one pair of the skid steer chains, chained up his rear tires, and drove right out. What a mess though. I really hope we lose most of the ice before we get any more.

During the hard cold Becky and I filled water balloons with colored water and left them out to freeze, then peeled off the balloons in the morning. The things you find on Facebook.......


joated said...

Bet those colored ice balls looked pretty as they thawed and left streaks all down the driveway. Sort of like those folks who add food coloring to the ice forming along the road cuts.

Cathy said...

Keith was effusing about these ice balls days ago . . had a colleague bring in pictures of 'em! So cool! Errrr . . . .So cold .

Think spring . . Marianne . . think spring: )

Rev. Paul said...

What joated said. :)

We're supposed to get an inch of rain on Thursday - and since Anchorage doesn't really have any storm drains, it's going to be ugly.

I hope your situation eases quickly.

Terry and Linda said...

Ice like that is a huge mess!! I'm glad no one was hurt. Now the milk truck has to get in..........


lisa said...

Oh boy, not any fun with your hill either! We use the ash out of our stove to do our drive way. Yours is a little longer than ours but you could do some of it.

threecollie said...

Joated, alas, they just kind of shrank and vanished....

Cathy, lol, I have begun to permit myself to think of spring. The days are getting noticeably longer and the Cornell hawks are nesting. The owl that left the feather I saw the other day is probably building a nest too.....

REv. Paul, oh, my word, not good! We have been getting more rain than we need, but so far the flooding in the area is minor and cause mostly by ice jams.

Linda, our driver is amazing! He really knows how to move that truck and roars up the hill right over the ice.

Lisa, nope, not a bit of fun! And thanks....