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Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Wordless Wednesday


Throwback at Trapper Creek said...

Looking pretty good Peggy!

ellie k said...

My babies were raised on cows milk from a tested herd, they had the shake up there bottles to mix the cream before they could drink it I raised two very healthy kids and now as adults are very seldom sick. Most every thing they ate came from the farm, meat, veggies, milk and fruit.

Cathy said...

Awwwww . . .baby toes and dandelion fluff :)

threecollie said...

Nita, she is growing so fast!

Ellie, I grew up on raw milk too...we are trying for a big garden this summer if only the weather will cooperate.

Cathy, lol, the do go together kinda, don't they. Peggy has her own story now...I always had stories for our kids, particularly the Johnny Michael stories about a young country kid who had great dogs and was kind of a hero. Peggy has the Pixie Baby story, with the two mice that pull a milk jug chariot. I think she likes it. lol