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Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Rain without End Amen

Wildlife of the battlefield. An ebony jewelwing??

Yeah, no hay is gonna get made any time soon. The boss worked on the boy's tractor all day yesterday trying to figure out why it won't start. Batteries seem fine, ground wires ditto, terminals all cleaned and tightened, and many other reasons for lack of spark examined. Oh well, at least it was a good day for the garden. *****Update: brand new batteries were toast. The company replaced them without charge.******

Got another bed of onions weeded out for what seems like the hundredth time and cleaned up the garlic patch...again. That will be ready for harvest real soon. Scapes have been scalped and frozen for winter's soups...tips of the big leaves are already turning brown a little bit.

At least most of the ground has been planted, which is kind of a sad statement for almost July. I still have one flat of tomatoes that could go in the dirt. Or Liz can sell them at a swap. It's such a gamble. If the blight holds off then it is well worth putting them in...lots of sauce can be made for winter. 

If the blight hits, then it's an awful waste of ground that could be planted to something more blight resistant.  Oh, well....it is what it is.

Called in the cutting instructions for the beef yesterday and the freezer is defrosted, clean, refrozen and ready. As are we. Been out of beef a very long time and if I don't see a sausage again for a while that will be just fine.

Thinking...if it doesn't rain the next hour or so..... I may fill some big pots and buckets with dirt and put some more herbs in them. Nothing like homegrown....

Meanwhile I just spotted an entire litter of baby bunnies in the beets.....

Devil's Den, looking at Little Roudtop


Anonymous said...

SO green and lush it is......steamy up here in NE MN too....but cools at night. We had spectactular Northern lights last night I will try to include a link to my front yard views....it was God's paint box in the sky. Love the froggie.. and once sun comes out there you will tripple time with all...get your running shoes ready. ha ha Blessings Merri try to type this into google...

#Minnesota's skies are dancing tonight! #solarstorms #northernlights

12Paws said...

Oh well, all God's chilluns (and critters) gotta eat

threecollie said...

Merri, can't use the link..for some reason it is just hash tags. I have tried to see them from here, but haven't in many years. They are amazing! We have a lot of light pollution-two cities just north of us-so they have to be very bright for us to see them. Also I have a hard time staying up late. Lol. Take care.

12Paws, this is true. And it seems that many of them have to eat beets. lol

Terry and Linda said...

OH! NO! Baby bunnies in the garden..........not good!


Bill Harshaw said...

You might enjoy these Then and Now pictures. http://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/ng-interactive/2015/jun/22/american-civil-war-photography-interactive#top

threecollie said...

Bill, wow, thank you! That is an amazing site!!!!