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Saturday, October 24, 2015

Birding Parking Lots

Alabama rainbow at sunrise for Linda

That's my super power. Oh, and fixing motel toilets, but that's just a farm wife thing. Ours was leaking pretty badly when we arrived. It is no longer doing so and I didn't even use my Swiss Army knife.

The place we are are staying is in a flat area surrounded in the far distance by rocky hills. The sky is spectacular. You don't realize that it can be like this when you live in a valley surrounded by hills and mountains and have trees everywhere you turn. Sunrise is 360 and sunset ditto. I like it!

Anyhow, back to the birds...

Before the sun even thought to come up a Northern Mockingbird was whistling loudly right outside our room. As it happened I had counted him after dark last night....he was sitting on a wire bracing himself for race weekend. What a singer! He was ripping out a mad chorus of Carolina Wren and Northern Cardinal and sounded very happy about it.

Then came a flock of Fish Crows cawing in their nasal, high-pitched manner. They were soon evicted by some American Crows.

Right now though all the birds seem to have followed the myriad, mostly white, mostly extended cab, mostly very large, pickup trucks that filled the parking lot last night, off to the race. Folks were even tail gating last night, which seemed pretty cool to me.

It's just me and the House Sparrows and the motel workers here right now.....

And that is just fine....

Alabama sunset


tryon1@frontiernet.net said...

Matt and Lisa took us to breakfast at Janet's this morning. Hash, home fries, eggs, salt rising bread (Janet made) I had scrambled and bacon and toast and coffee. Very good. Mike called, they have arrived at their home in Florida, so right now my chickies are all safe. Love you all. Have a great time birding in a new state. Love Mom and Dad

NumberWise said...

As always, your photos and narrative take us right along with you, whether it's a step outside your back door, a day trip within New York, or a journey far from home. You have a special gift for making me feel as though I'm right beside you.

Initially I was a bit skeptical about that red Camaro, but it certainly has been a blessing. Oh, the places you have gone in that car! I guess it helps that Alan seems to enjoy driving it. Enjoy your time there, and I'll look forward to seeing your bird list for the trip.

Terry and Linda said...



threecollie said...

Love you too, Mama. Sounds as if you and dad had a nice day. I am enjoying myself having all these hours to do just as I please. Home tomorrow, probably a hard trip, but I will be glad to see the family again!

NW, so good to hear from you. I have been wanting to call but I hate to bother you when I know you are very busy. Hope all is well! Alas the bird list won't be too fat as we are just not in a birdy area. However, i am enjoying the ones we do see and hear and liking all this time by myself. Not a big commodity at home. I too looked askance at the Camaro, but have concluded that is is a great car. It handles well, gets good mileage, and feels very solid on the road. Alan had a lot of fun driving it on the switch backs and wild curves in the Smokies...and it has really opened a world for me that I never thought I would see again. And now i am old enough to enjoy it all....

Linda, it was absolutely gorgeous!!! And I thought of you the instant I saw it.