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Sunday, December 10, 2023

Like a Scene from a Book


Three-o-Nine AM.

The loudest, longest crack of thunder you could imagine. It rolled and tolled long enough for me to awaken from deep sleep, wonder what was going on, and realize that it was thunder.

Windows rattled, the house shook. The whole valley reverberated. Ralph said he timed one boomer and it lasted six whole seconds. That is a long one in thunder hours.

I was reminded of the scene in Mercedes Lackey's book, Joust, one of my all time favorites, when the thunder goes on for hours but brings no rain. This storm brought plenty of it though and now the morning is all weird with opaque clouds painted pinky orange by some vestige of sun hiding somewhere.

Guess we are going to get a big storm tonight. If that was just the prequel, I shudder to think what's coming.

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