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Sunday, June 16, 2024

Let me tell You


A picture of patience, as he waits while I count the birds

A story from long years ago.

It happened on this day.

 I arranged for brother Matt to take my place for evening milking at the farm where I helped milk 160 Holsteins twice a day. There was no need for my bosses to know why, so I didn't tell them.

A couple of friends went with us to the justice of the peace outside Johnstown and stood beside us as we swore our futures to one another. No one knew except us, those friends, and Matt,

They took us out for Chinese after. Sure was tasty.

Thus began 39 years together.

We never had a lot of money, but in between the headaches of working on a farm with three generations scrambling around each other to get things done, we sure had a lot of fun.

 Sundays between chores we hit all the free museums in the area....and in this place of Revolutionary War history, innovative commerce, and indoor and outdoor science there are plenty...or went to the creek in Schoharie to rummage around the rocks for brachiopod fossils.

We went to all the fairs on a state fair pass, and showed cows and ponies and sometimes chickens at Fonda, Altamont, and the Cooperstown Junior Show. So much fun bitd.

It's been such a rewarding life and I am grateful for it. I hope we have a few more years together before they bring the curtain down.

Happy Anniversary Ralphie. Sure do love you.


Cathy said...

Tender Hugs to you both Marianne. Happy Anniversary!

Carol said...

Love the story of your life and would like to hear more stories of your family adventures.

Shirley said...

Happy Anniversary! Ours was yesterday- 26 years.

Shirley said...

Typo- 28 years. We went to an auction to celebrate!

threecollie said...

Cathy, thank you, dear friend!

Carol, thank you! It may be the Irish in me, but I love to tell stories.

Shirley, thank you, and congratulations! We might be kindred spirits. We went to a Holstein auction in Canada on our honeymoon. Saw a cow sell for a 1.45 million Canadian dollars at that sale.