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Thursday, August 29, 2024

Color Magic for Ponies

Take one cute little black pony
and one determined young lady.

Add horsey shampoo and lots of water. Wash him well and pick out the burdocks that came out of the most recent hay

Braid him up nice and walk him for a while. He is kind of a little stinker (the last word there is a synonym for pony) and the experience will do him good.

Put him back in his lovely box stall with a net full of hay.



A cute little blue roan pony emerges from his chrysalis.

Yeah, as soon as the kids put the ponies back in the stalls they rolled like somebody was paying them overtime.

That's life at the Great Fonda Fair.

*The Appleyard Duck Peg exhibited won BOS waterfowl...he is a real pretty fellow. That's him with the dark green head above.

Not just another pretty face
McCall's KC Crimson
AKA Diamond


Terry and Linda said...

Fair!!! It's just the best of times!!!

threecollie said...

Linda, it had its ups and downs, but overall quite a good time!

Shirley said...

Been a while since I participated in a fair!
Ponies (eyeroll)

threecollie said...

Shirley, we used to show cows, poultry, and ponies at several local fairs and shows. Now Liz shows with her family. I have this weird soft spot for ponies and little terrier dogs. I do love me a good Border Collie, but just can't resist the sassy little squirts. The pinto Shetland, Diamond, is pretty much an angel . Jack will behave if he knows you can make him. Gambit is a decent guy, but do not mess with him. He doesn't suffer fools gladly.