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Monday, December 30, 2024

A Tale of Two CBCs


Day 2 Barred Owl Number 3

I participated in back-to-back Christmas Bird Counts this weekend, not a chore for the faint of heart.

The first was the Fort Plain Area Christmas Bird Count. This was the third time for me and the first ever CBC for my dear friend Kris. The weather was not awesome, although it was in fact much nicer than had been predicted. Birds seemed to be hiding out from said weather and we had to work for every one. However, Kris did a fantastic job driving and helping with navigation and I feel like we got it done right well....not to mention it was a lot of fun, at least for me. Hope we can do it again next year, the Good Lord willing and all.

Day 2 Barred Owl Number 1
Just call him bashful

Then yesterday I joined George Steele and another CBC newbie for the Johnstown count. My folks did that one almost as long as it had been in existence, and when my mom got sick of driving the roads counting every single bird, Dad recruited me to help. As he and Mom failed (or in Moms case got bored with it) the boys and I slowly took over their territory, Mayfield South. Lacking a driver I let that go not too many years ago, but when George invited me to join him on his portion of the same count I was glad to do so. I infinitely prefer to let someone else lead, drive, find the birds, compile etc...which he does quite professionally. I am content to help look for birds and click, click, click on my phone all day, making check lists and a trip report of our finds of the day.

It was a great weekend and I want to thank everyone involved, including Ralph, who took me to meet the driving folks...not that I couldn't have driven myself, but he offered....Kris and George for doing the hard part, and all the compilers and folks who get out there and count the birdies.

Also I truly hope Riley was able to get warm and will enjoy future counts in the coming years.

Day 2 Barred Owl Number 2
George called him at midday.


Shirley said...

I love Barred Owls! We rescued on once from a barbwire fence- you may remember my blog posts on it- and it came back about a week after we released it and perched in a tree in our yard, it seemed to be saying thank you before it eventually flew off. What a special moment that was.

threecollie said...

Shirley, how awesome that you were able to rescue it and to see it again! We have both great horned and barred here in the farm, but we almost never see or hear them. Too much noise from the highways and trains, and they stay mostly at the back of the farm. Happy New Year to you and yours!