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Showing posts with label It's all in your head. Show all posts
Showing posts with label It's all in your head. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Winter Hardy

My mom shared this wonderful photo of our boy and my dad on Facebook
From whence I promptly and shamelessly stole it.
Aren't they sweet?

When you go out to walk the dogs without a coat or vest because it feels plenty warm...maybe 35 or 40 degrees....and come inside to find that it is a whopping 12 instead.

That's what a couple of weeks of single digits and foul winds will do. Gonna be in the 40s by week's end. We'll be wearing shorts and drinking Mai Tais. 

Except that, once I saw the temperature, I had to come back inside and get my hoodie......

Doesn't he look a lot like Grandpa now?