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Monday, July 03, 2006


Close but no gar


  1. Anonymous4:04 PM

    you think we could swap? i mean they're identical..... ;P

  2. Similar at any rate!

  3. wow...that looks exactly like FC's son...that's kind of freaky

  4. Oh my! This is too funny!
    My guy's away at a friend's house, but I will show him this tomorrow. Thanks for showing it!
    I see what you meant!

  5. Hi Hurricane Teen, thanks for stopping by. We were certainly struck by the similarity when we were looking at Pure Florida. He has another "twin" up here too, in the son of a friend, who also looks amazingly like FC's young 'un.

    FC, he got sick of having his picture taken (he was playing a Cabela's hunting game and it was more fun than standing in the yard with a carved fish). Therefore I couldn't get the exact pose where the similarity was most striking, which was the one you labeled "smug".He was happy to get a new pair of dollar store shades out of the deal though. Now I just wish he'd stop wearing them in the barn and then complaining about how dark it is.
    I'd be interested to hear what your guy thinks.

  6. ThreeCollie,
    I showed it to him last night and he agreed it was pretty dopplegangerish...then off he went to HIS video game.

    ...lots of similarities here.

