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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

New England Asters

*Sorry about the blurry picture, but this little green wasp or fly didn't sit still long and left very soon. Any idea what it might be? Perhaps a cuckoo wasp?*


  1. Anonymous8:35 PM

    ooh! Sure looks like an emerald cuckoo wasp, how pretty. We have those asters in MI too. :)

  2. Hi Carina, thanks for the wasp ID. I had never seen one before. This one showed up while I was trying to take pics of the flowers.
    I think the purple asters are New England asters by name, no clue on the white ones. Pretty whatever they are.

  3. Anonymous8:50 PM

    I've seen these around here and looked them up...house I lived in with the ex had 30 acres of fields and woods out back, used to see them a lot.

  4. Anonymous8:50 PM

    Ah-ha! I've been enjoying those asters along the roadsides, but I didn't know what they were. And the emerald cuckoo wasp is gorgeous!

  5. Carina, my son says he see them all the time too. The thing was sure pretty, like a glittering, flying jewel..

    Hey there numberwise, my dear friend. So good to see you here.....very pretty this fall despite the dearth of colorful leaves.

  6. When I see Asters I always think of the rhyme Ashes, Ashes we all fall down. Weird huh?

  7. Those asters are beautiful.

  8. Hi Janet, now you have me started. lol

    Thanks FC, we are enjoying being surrounded by them for a little bit.
