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Saturday, October 21, 2006


Nothing funny about meth. Nothing amusing about the way it is showing up in rural areas like this. However, this story of how some young, er, dumb and dumber fellows tried to steal some Sudafed to make some is hilarious. Not everyone uses cat food in quite that manner.


  1. Idiots!
    I'm not sure you can buy products containing ephedrine off the shelf here....think you have to ask at the counter.
    What's the world coming to...
    That was really strange that my name showed up as "travelling" in my other comment. It's the first word of the email I use here; why it appeared as my display name, I haven't a clue.

  2. Anonymous10:09 AM

    ...in a related story, the two men's cat's report not having any sinus issues whatsoever since being switched to their new food.

  3. Hi carina, amazing what people will do isn't it? I couldn't believe it when I read it.

    Hey there Matthew,good one, bet you are right. lol

  4. Anonymous4:28 PM

    People under the influence of meth seem to abandon all human reason and intelligence. We had a case recently of a young man who thought the enemy was coming to get him and wiped out a whole street full of parked cars. Luckily no one was seriously injured.

  5. Hi Jan, terrible stuff. I hate to see it getting started here too.
