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Monday, November 27, 2006

Election edumacashion shocker

Elaine Shein over at Blogriculture, the Capital Press newspaper blog, has one of the most powerful pieces I have read in a while over there today. She discusses studies showing that a majority of people get a majority of the information upon which they base their election choices from political ads! Elaine's article is very thought-provoking, asks a lot of important and hard to answer questions, as well as most likely being a nice refreshing dose of maturity after my post below. Hope you get a chance to read it.


  1. Anonymous9:26 PM

    I agree - that is a post well worth reading and pondering. I have wondered about some of those issues for a while, but the actual figures are shocking.

    I have seen some candidates for office here in NY that I thought were exceptionally well qualified, but they garnered few votes. I've always thought that they weren't well-known enough to compete because they didn't have enough money for advertising (both print and TV). Sad.

    Thanks for linking to this!

  2. Depressing, isn't it?!
    Since I barely ever watch TV or listen to commercial raio, I neither saw or heard ONE SINGLE campaign ad. Haha! I also only have a cell phone, so received not one single political phone call.
    I've also read that people in younger demographics get more political information from the Jon Stewart type shows than regular news.

  3. Hi numberwise, I have a real problem when people start telling me something they heard in a TV campaign ad as if it was the gospel. I love Elaine's writing and read Blogriculture every day.

    Carina, I am not a TV fan either, but other family members like it. They can tell ads from news though, and news from thinly disguised editorial comment.

  4. 3collie..I gotta ask - posts keep appearing then disappearing then sometimes reappearing, on your blog. Is this a Blogger hiccup?
    And yes...my father ran running commentary on anything we watched on TV and I have him to thank for my healthy sense of skepticism and low tolerance for dumb BS. *BG*

  5. Carina, gotta laugh at the running commentary thing. We all do it, even the kids now. We are funnier than most stuff on the television anyhow.
    And on the posts vanishing. If it was yesterday it was Blogger. Same thing happened to me. Before that in the history of ND I have taken down two posts after I posted them because I was embarrassed by how mad I was. I get kind of out of hand sometimes. lol, Other than that I have to blame Blogger, the worlds weirdest blogging platform

  6. Ah, I figured it was probably Blogger since the disappeared posts didn't seem particularly controversial!
    Thanks for the saving money on TV tip....I turn my TV on maybe once a month, no joke. But it's always plugged in...I had no clue!

  7. Carina, You are most welcome for the tip. I expected to shave maybe five bucks off the bill and was STUNNED at the thirty dollar savings. I love Kim Komando and have learned a lot from her free newsletters
