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Monday, April 09, 2007

The only thing making this possible

This is what is making life semi, sorta, halfway, bearable during this unseasonable spate of cold, nasty weather. I posted it over at the View last week, but I just wanna look at it some more and pretend I am not freezing......


  1. Anonymous12:30 PM

    I was actually hit by a friend for singing I'm Dreaming of a White Easter.

    It's not cold... it's just not warm to the extreme! :)

  2. Hi Matthew...not warm to the extreme...I like that. I don't much like snow in the middle of April though.

  3. If it helps, today was grey, wet, and cold here.

  4. Those flames look so toasty. I guess it loses some of the romance after a winter of hauling wood, though.

  5. It will get warmer, it will get warmer, it will get warmer, it will get warmer, it will . . .

  6. Hi FC, sorry you are sharing our pain...not much of a spring so far

    Cathy, I like the stove even after a winter of filling it (of course my son does a lot of it). It is so good not to be cold. lol

    OW, hold that thought! I am not eager for days in the eighties, but fifty would be a very, very nice thing indeed.
