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Thursday, March 13, 2008

It's a girl

Meet Frieland E Cookie Crispy

That is not her mama checking her out but rather Consequence who is also due for a baby pretty soon. She stands next to Crunch, the new mother. Sire is Four-of-a-Kind Eland


  1. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Congrats on a very pretty baby! One of the best ways to start a new day in my book :)

    RE: my cow is getting about 8lbs of dairy ration 2x daily. She's a big cow, perhaps it's not enough? As I mentioned, she eats free choice all day and has no trouble eating her fill during the day and does eat the hay at night after I leave the barn. I haven't had this new hay tested but certainly can.

    Thanks again for your thoughts.


  2. Hi Deb, Thanks, I was really amazed to get a heifer. Crunch was over a week late.

    Maybe you could try easing your girl upwards just a little bit on the grain, but go slowly...you don't want to upset her rumen.. What percent protein is your grain? It is hard to be sure what to tell you, long distance. I don't want to tell you anything wrong. We are fortunate enough to have an outstanding nutritionist to work with and Liz studied dairy nutrition pretty aggressively in college. Even though she is still on her internship at another farm she is back to graining our cows three times a day...and she is constantly tweaking each cow's individual feeds. Ours get chopped corn silage, chopped haylage, 22% dairy grain twice a day and corn mean with soybean meal once a day. As you can imagine, it takes a lot of fussing to keep everything in balance. Hope everything works out with your cow.

  3. Oh, and dry hay, I forgot the hay...they get a bed time snack of baled hay and another little taste in the morning for springers and fresh cows and high producers. (Dries and late lactation cows just get the evening feeding.)

  4. Awww! How cute. And have to grin at the "cookie crispy" part! :)

  5. Anonymous4:46 PM

    I'm so glad you got your heifer, and she looks, judging from the photo, to be pretty good sized. Neat name!


  6. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Hope Cookie Crispy is doing just fine. :0)

    Thanks again for your thoughts on my cow and her feed. I've printed out all of your thoughts and am mulling it all over in my head. Will get it all figured out. It's all a definate learning experience but I wouldn't want to be doing anything else.


  7. Anonymous11:13 PM

    Nice calf! Glad you got a heifer!

  8. Rurality, it was inevitable I guess. her grandma was Cookie Cutter, her mama is Cookie Crunch...Becky named her for me

    Jen of the Jungle, Thanks! and thanks for stopping by. I checked out both your blogs ..interesting, I think I will be back

    NW, she is a big girl and very ambulatory...and fascinated with our steer, Hermie. She would not stay with Crunch, but kept hopping over to see Herm. Don't know what the attraction is.

    Thanks, Deb, so far so good. I hope you work your way through with your cow and I am sure that you will. Cows are complicated, but rewarding...when they aren't being frustrating. lol

    FC, thank you kind sir

    And thank you Nita. I am thrilled. Wish we had another one bred to Eland so we would have a get of sire for the fair. Liz's graduation present calf, November, and this one match up very nicely. However, our only two other Elands are a retired show cow and a mean, mean, mean two-year-old that the kids could never get milked in the fair parlor without her taking their heads off...oh, well.
