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Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Fonda Fair Day One

Veterans, Mandy and Lemonade

The cows are in, vet checked, every little ear tag read and recorded. They are washed and full of second cutting hay. The babies were funny at first. They have never been off the farm before and were terrified of everything.

Been there, done that....Hazel


Other cows. Kids wanting to pet them. Wheel barrows. Announcements on the loud speaker. Us. Each other.
Even food when we tossed them hay.

About an hour after we got them there, while the boss and Liz went home for the big cows, and I stayed to keep an eye on things, they began to tentatively nibble single stems of hay.

By noon they were brave enough to lie down unless kids tried to pet them. By three they were looking for me to bring them new hay every little while and not kicking when I cleaned up behind them. By the time we went home last night they were settled in like veterans, ignoring the commotion around them and sucking up the bovine life of Riley like it was their due.

Mmmmkay, guess this isn't so awful after all....Neon Moon

Wait a minute, I guess it is.

Meanwhile, as soon as Hazel, Lemonade, Mandy and Blitz came off the trailer, they sauntered into the barn, stepped up into the stalls and began to gobble that yummy hay. No opening day jitters for them. They are veterans and they love shows.....and after a long day of tending to their every whim and picking up every drop of cow poo almost before it hit the floor, I can see why.

The view from where I await the cows' commands


  1. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Oh the babies are so cute! Sounds like a nice day! Thanks for sharing your experiences and pictures - hope you have a wonderful day!

  2. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Thanks for the photos, makes me miss the fair even more. You'll have to do a post on the funny questions you get from fair-goers.

  3. The girls look very comfortable! I bet that they don't want to go back to having to their own grass, when they can just lay there and you'll bring them hay! Lol.

    I love the picture of looking down the isle. I can almost smell the bedding, the hay, and the cows, and hear all the fair noise, good job!

  4. Everything looks great :) Hope you all have great weather and tons of fun. Thanks for sharing the photos.
    The cows looks beautiful - so clean and comfy.

  5. Anonymous4:53 PM

    Fred going to miss the fair this year.
    wish we could be there.
    love ya

  6. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Almost wish we had a bunch of antiques in the homemaking section. Glad to be in IA on the way to WY.
    Tell Lisa we are safe so far, and love you all.
    Mom & Dad

  7. Apologies for being so slow to answer comments...between the server being down and doing kid chores there seem to not be too many hours in the day...thanks for bearing with me.

    Marti, thanks so much! I really appreciate you taking time to stop by when you have so much to deal with.

    Nita, thanks, so far I haven't been over as much as I would like to be. So much to do here at home. It took me an hour just to finish up all the calf chores after milking. Of course I am fussyish and I have to do things differently so it takes longer.

    Thanks Deb, guess we are in for some rain, but it sure has been nice so far.

    MAPPY!!! thanks for visiting! We are sure missing you. Hope Gustav doesn't whack you too hard. Love you too.

    MOMMY, my very favorite mommy in the world! Thanks for visiting from so far away across the country. Hope your adventure is progressing delightfully and that you take LOTS and LOTS of pictures hint, hint.
