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Thursday, December 04, 2008

What a Fish Story

Missing class ring shows up inside 8-pound bass....I would be satisfied with catching a bass that big, let alone one that was packing jewelry!.


  1. Anonymous12:01 PM

    No comment about the fish story,but I am reading a second book by Jon Katz, "The Dogs of Bedlam Farm" and I thought of you and your sheep dogs and that's partly what he writes about, trying to become a farmer/writer/sheepherder in upstate NY. Please check out his blog, www.blogbedlamfarm.com. I think you are kindred souls when it comes to farm animals, and border collies. I've gotten his books at the Amstedam library and they are great.

  2. Anon, thanks! I like most of Mr. Katz's books...he has a nice way of describing farm life. He seems like a nice fellow too and responds to emails about his books. I think I liked the first one best. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Anonymous8:16 PM

    at first i thought you were gonna say that "he" was the one that found "his own ring"...that would have been absolutely bizarre, but the story still is an amazing one!

  4. Anon, I was pretty surprised by it and the ring really wasn't in too bad shape for spending so long in a fish!
