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Thursday, November 19, 2009

Project Laundry List

What a great idea! We have never had a drier, although now that the washer has retired from the fray, I sometimes use them at the laundromat. We have instead two clotheslines made from really heavy rope. (None of your skinny little grocery store lines for this farmer. It takes some serious twine to keep overalls and suchlike off the lawn.)

In the winter we have my grandma's old laundry bars, the boss's late mother's set and two modern ones. I must be weird because I think a line of clothes ebbing and flowing in a nice brisk breeze is a lovely sight. Maybe I don't watch enough TV. Anyhow, there seems to be a movement back to doing the drying like grandma did and I am all for it. I have a suggestion for all those anonymous note senders who like to whine about other people's laundry....look the other way.


  1. Anonymous10:26 AM

    I enjoy line drying my laundry, everything is fresher. I also use unscented soaps, I despise those reeking attempts freshness by chemical pawned off on the public.

  2. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Bummer..........."at" freshness

  3. I dry outside all the time. Love the smell of the clothes and the roughness of the towels. I even dry in the winter, finishing off what freezing didn't take care of with drying racks.


  4. I always line dry. I wear different tinted jeans and they keep their coloring better when they aren't put into the dryer. Plus my t-shits last forever too.

  5. OMG! I meant t-shirts. Not t-sh*ts!lol

  6. Our dryer died over a year ago. I've thought sometime i might get around to replacing it, but I know I never will.

  7. I can't believe people are complaining about laundry on the line. How is it that our country is becoming such a strange place?

  8. I've always thought clothes on the line were pretty too : )And it feels so good to go to sleep on fresh air dryed sheets.

  9. I love line-dried everything. A good windy day is better than any fabric softener, and I agree with you that there's something very satisfying about watching things billow in the breeze!

  10. Anonymous5:42 PM

    we use to use baler twine as our clothesline material...easily replaced when it gives way....but i'd much rather have the pulley system going on...along line, so i could hang out many, many loads w/o having to bring them in...that's my downfall, I HATE BRINGING THEM BACK IN!!!

  11. Anonymous8:58 PM

    it's almost like feeling an extra dollar or two in your pocket...oops..don't let the state find out...they'll tax us for using the air and saving a buck!

  12. Anonymous8:59 PM

    to dani...lol..sometimes they are t-sh*ts...depending how the day went!

  13. Country living and clotheslines... the best!

  14. We hang our clothes outside under a porch roof. The sun is too instense here to hang clothes directly in it. They would fade in just one drying session! The only problem with not having a dryer is being dependant upon the weather. It sure piles up during rainy weeks!

  15. We just bought a new-to-us dryer but we rarely use it. Another one of life's little luxuries that I really miss.

  16. aka, most of the time I love it. Spring and fall when it is never not humid is a bit more of a problem

    Linda, there is nothing like it. My mind boggles at the anti-folks. What are they thinking?

    Dani, you are right about that too
    And, thanks to the cows, we have both kinds (with and without the r. lol)

    Jan, we inherited ours and as far as I know it has never been plugged in. makes a decent shelf though. lol

    Cubby, I don't understand it either. How nosy do you have to be and how much of a snob? Amazing!

    Tipper, exactly! I find the stuff we dry at the laundromat to be kind of mushy and odd

    June, if it is good and breezy it takes the cat and dog hair off too. lol

    anon, I don't mind. I like the feeling of accomplishment when they are folded and put away I guess

    And anon2 They will find a way no doubt

    anon3, yes, we have both kinds!

    Teri, you have that exactly right!

    IslaG, same problem here. We have had a lot of rain this summer and I have gotten seriously behind several times.

    Apple, ours has never been plugged in. I don't thing my late mother in law ever used it either. We already spend so darned much on electricity...
