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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Cows Before Folks

Sat down with a nutritionist today, a fellow with whom we much enjoy working. He brought his new boss along and in between swapping stories we worked out some new ideas for better feeding the cows. There is no question that we humans could probably use some nutritional advice too (although I don't suppose we would follow it) but the cows come first at least in that respect.

Learned some good stuff about putting up the Sudan grass we planted too, which will be useful I am hoping.


  1. Anonymous11:31 AM

    I am a dairy farmer from PA and I would like to see some pictures of that sudan grass and some updates on how it torns out as a feed because I have looked into planting some my self

  2. Anon, I will get some pics when I get a chance and post them. Our new feed guy told us to harvest sooner than we were (wallet high) and to get it dried down some as it didn't want to go in the bag at all-too mushy. We fed a small amount to the cows, green chopped and offset by a good feed of dry hay first, and they put an extra 300 pounds in the tank. We don't have enough dry hay to feed it that way, but they sure liked it. It was so cheap to plant (about a sixth the cost of corn-no spray, very little fertilizer except a good pre-dressing of manure) and due to weather issues we haven't gotten enough corn to talk about in the past three years, so even if it doesn't work out very well we are not out much. Hopefully we can get it dry enough to bag. Wish we could find a flail chopper and direct cut it for green feed.
