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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

More on DOL Youth Labor Regulations

Here is the best argument against these regulations that I have read so far. An excellent read!
HT/Ray Bowman on FB


  1. Shoot. Couldn't get that link to work, but we were already talking about this today with our son.

    Keith grew up working on farms. Driving tractors, bailing hay. He wouldn't be the man he is today without the work skills and confidence he picked up participating in that work.

  2. Cathy, thanks for the heads up. I think it is fixed now and I hope you have time to read it. It is a real good un. I am so happy that so many people across the nation are weighing in on this topic. I would have given almost anything to grow up on a farm myself...some of my dearest friends today are folks I knew and envied who were farmers then. lol

  3. Found it. Left a comment. Thanks.

  4. I wouldn't know anything about this issue if it weren't for your blog, so thank you.
    I have a hard time believing that any legislation is driven by $$$, so I am suspicious of the "damn liberals are behind it" argument. I'd suspect the damn insurance companies and their boards of directors.

  5. Darn it.
    I meant "...any legislation is NOT driven by $$$..."

  6. Cathy, sorry it didn't work. don't know why because I did test it

    June, I am a real conspiracy theorist. I think they don't want farms raising independent, capable, thinking kids. They are a lot harder to bamboozle and buy and the government needs sheep, not border collies.

  7. Anonymous10:48 AM

    I think it is the labor unions. They want all the migrant laborers to find work and pay them. How can they do that if the kids are doing the work? Like everything else in gouvernment, "follow the money" applies here as well!
    Love, Mom

  8. Love you Mom, and I am sure you are right that they had a hand in it.
