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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Sometimes I Love Being a Mom

Well, actually pretty much all the time. We have great kids and they all make me feel lucky a lot.

Today, my fair Daisy and I woke up to a panicked text, "My wallet is gone."

Came down to lights on all over the house, Daisy loose and running all over the house, and general pandemonium. The boy had gone to work, sans wallet, but he had left chaos in his wake.

Walked the good Miss D, as I do every morning, but with my "mom eyes" open. She had her sharp little dachsie nose in high gear too. 

We found the missing item within minutes.....lying in the driveway in the odd place where he parked for a while last night. Yay, mom! Yay, Daisy. 

Please, please, hold the applause...just throw chocolate.


  1. Showering cyber chocolate all over Northview :) Moms are awesome.

  2. That photo makes me laugh out loud! I was wondering if I could hurl that chocolate across the river if I stood on my roof....

  3. Joated, thanks. lol

    Rev. Paul, thank you sir...I was so proud of myself.

    Cathy, thank you!

    NW, I dunno, but if you want to try......lol. Hope you are feeling better and better every day in every way.

  4. It is the slow and easy that does it. Many times I've found something Terry was just sure was lost.

