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Saturday, September 26, 2015

Puppy Problems

Get him out of my bed!

Seriously! He's got MY chew toy

Who me?

I can't watch....


  1. Great plot, love the cast.

  2. That was just plain cute!!!


  3. Awwww. . . . so many reasons to smile.

  4. I thoroughly enjoy the narrative and photos of all the "little" things in your life -- Peggy, puppy, diminutive Daisy, birds, and chipmunks. It's my daily dose of glad and gratitude. Mack looks like he has grown already and must be outgrowing the sneaker bed!

    And speaking of little things, have you been watching the Cornell West Texas hummingbird cam? Oh, my! I'm addicted and haven't accomplished a lot recently. Today I think I identified a fifth species (Lucifer Hummingbird), but it's surprisingly difficult, even with the sharp, close-up cam. A bird can look like a nondescript female (I can't tell them apart) until it turns a bit or flies, and then it can flash blindingly bright colors. And sometimes even those colors are deceptive.

    I can't get out and about, nor can I see well enough, to go bird watching, so I really appreciate your blog and the bird cams to bring the critters to me.

  5. Jan thanks! He is SO funny. Naughty, but funny. I am growing very fond......

    Linda, thanks, they sure made me laugh!

    Cathy, they are a lot of fun. Daisy is so good to him...until he crosses the line. Then she spanks him good. He often needs it.

    NW, thank you so much for commenting! I have been thinking about you and meaning to send you a note...and not doing it...you know how that goes. I have spent a few minutes on the hummer cam...I have no ability to ID them beyond the Ruby Throated. Amazing though. Can you imagine living where they all come around? Must be incredible! Wish you could visit....
