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Friday, March 08, 2024

Practicing for Jet Lag


Because you know it's going to get us all after the time distortion that will come on Sunday. I set the bedroom clock an hour ahead earlier this week, to start getting ready for the misery that is the official Time Change.

So...I got up at ten after four to walk Jill who was way off color yesterday. Happy to report she seems significantly improved this morning.

Since I was up I went owling.

In the backyard.

In my bathrobe and crocs (hey, don't be all judgey now).

A thick frost fell last night, not enough to freeze the water trickling off the hill after all the rain the last couple of days, but the mud was hard enough that I could walk part way to the old cow barn.

There were no owls today....just one lonesome White-throated Sparrow, giving off one sleepy cheep from somewhere under the mulberry trees.

However, as I stared up at the early stars, sparkling even in the light-polluted sky here so near to town, I saw a thin shroud of icy fog slowly folding them into its dim embrace. It felt as i I was watching something private and secret, even with the din of trains and the Thruway just to the north.

I came back in to warmth and coffee, welcome after half an hour in the frigid air. 

No owls in here either.


  1. Dear Marianne . . . You are a prose Mary Oliver. Your blend of observations, emotions and humor are unparalleled. One comes away feeling as though they walked beside you enjoying life's gifts and challenges. And my words don't do your gift justice.

  2. Cathy, you are very kind! I keep your poems near my chair and pick one out to read every now and then. You are the one who has the word magic....

  3. Ah the dreaded time change... I lived for 14 years in Creston B.C. where we didn't have a time change so this is taking a bit of getting used to again.
    There is always something magical in the pre dawn stillness.
