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Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Dog Law

An especially dear friend from childhood has been calling me several times a week about a friend of hers, who has been targeted by a proposed new law, aimed specifically at her dog rescue.

 The lady's dogs evidently do some barking and the neighbors decided to go big and go long about the matter. Never mind working with her to perhaps keep the dogs indoors at sensitive times...they are always fenced....no, they need to pass a big new law to make her get rid of the dogs or move.

If I understand it correctly, the new rule would mean that anyone with more than three dogs would have to provide a heated, separate structure, 1500 feet from their nearest neighbor and keep their dogs in it. I hate listening to dogs bark but....dang,

Is that nuts or what?

I was thrilled to read that a large crowd showed up at the public meeting on the subject last night to protest, long and loud. Can't wait to get a paper so I can read the whole story.

Good for them! They at least got the rule tabled.

We don't live in the town in question, but bad law like this tends to spread like kudzu. If the kids get me that puppy they are talking about, all our dogs would have to move to the barn and we would have to heat it, if we lived under that rule.

Say what? Daisy likes to sleep on the blanket we keep on my chair in the winter. Ren prefers her mommy and daddy's bed. I am assuming that new pup, if we get him, will like to lie by my feet, so as not to miss any action should I choose to stand up. Border Collies are like that.

And I don't think that is anybody else's business. 

Monday, October 20, 2014

The Leaving of LIverpool

Well, actually the leaving of Fultonville. 

We did get a hard frost last night, cold enough to leave ice lying around.

The birds are taking it seriously and leaving in droves.

This morning the Red-winged Blackbirds are coursing over like hounds hot on the trail of Hell. There is no looking back, no pause in their travel. Although the individual flocks are small, a dozen here, a hundred there, I would imagine by the time it warms up thousands will have passed over the house.

As the sun rose their red epaulets flashed like stop lights as they flew over the Robins and Cardinals and Blue Jays that are still here.

A few starlings flew up to join their urgent quest, then settled back into the bare ash trees. Not yet. Too lazy. Too content to natter over the pasture, gleaning seeds and insects.

The leaves are living up to their name too

Their path crosses that of westbound geese, evidently still enjoying the river and the freshly harvested corn fields around the area.

I'm not ready for this.......

Sunday, October 19, 2014


I would have passed these vegetables by, just a few weeks ago. Big old beans gone too mature, missed under heavy leaves somehow and forging into to leathery toughness. At the other end of the spectrum, tiny beans, no more than threads, but succulent and sweet.

I should not pick them. They will fit right down the sink drain in a swoosh of water. I'm sure that isn't good for the plumbing. I should just eat them right off the vine instead. Or leave them.

Left to grow they would only get fatter and better.

However, there is no more left to grow this year. What the meteorologists euphemistically call "the end of the growing season" is upon us.

Killing frost.

The big freeze.

It will fall tonight sure as November, unless somehow this icy wind holds it off. I don't think so. But maybe

Minuscule squashes, barely more than blossoms, a single grape that the wind tore off the apple tree. One apple just to see if somehow the Winesaps taste better this year than last.

I know better than to test them before frost, but they always tempt me beyond reason. It will be dry and bland and mealy, just as they always are until the frost turns them tangy

We will have a stew tonight of mostly homegrown. Beef from the big steer, the beans and squash, and a few store bought carrots...ours are all gone alas...though they surely were delicious.

After a breakfast of French toast made with eggs from the kids' hens, topped with jelly made from apple cider that Alan helped squeeze....delicious stuff, think i'll have some with dinner...we will feel well-fed indeed.

The electric fencing is holding so far, down on the chicken coop, although there were reports of an outlandish howling out there in the night, as if something had tried to crawl through and got zapped.

And zapped.

And zapped.

And zapped again.

What a shame......

Sunday Stills....Guess the Challenge

I guessed the color green or perhaps the letter G, so I went with grazing, green, and golden....lots of all those around here this fall. I meant to put a cap on a pumpkin, but it rained....pretty cool challenge, even if I got it wrong,.

For more Sunday Stills.......

Saturday, October 18, 2014

So Far, So Good

Did anybody get the number of that truck?

The kids spent a lot of time yesterday and last night putting up a electrified grid of cattle panel over the heifer barn door and putting a very hot fence around the turkey tractor, oh, and Becky put a bunch of used kitty litter down where they were coming in from the north. I went out an hour or so ago and all the birds were resting quietly.....

I would have liked to have been watching when the foxes checked out that fence...so hot the charge zapped Jade through a stick.....maybe a trail cam would be an asset....

A minor, but entertaining, murmuration of starlings

In other news we have several hawks hanging around hunting the birds, which fortunately are well protected against assault from the air.

However, something went after a chickadee right outside the kitchen window and it fled, striking the window. I ran out to find it upside down, but alive, on the step.

I warmed it in my hand and set it in a flower pot. A little while later it was upright and soon after gone. I wish it well. 

Chickadees share the favorite bird spot in my world with Carolina Wrens. Guess I like to root for the little guy. I would also like to be sure the accipiter I see every day hunting in the backyard is a Cooper's. I have seen several sharpies and this bird looks larger....too fast to be sure though...so far.

Friday, October 17, 2014

And that did Too

These guys are.....or were....much bigger now

I'm thankful for a phone call this morning. Normally I just let Daisy out the back door and maybe stand on the porch while I wait, or possibly even come in and get her dog food ready.

However, this morning Alan called me to chat for a while before he went to sleep for the day, as he is on nights, way down in the big city.

Thus I went out in my bathrobe to enjoy the dawn, the talking with my boy, and just being alive.

Heard something wrong. Saw something out of the corner of my eye that didn't look quite right. The big chickens down in the barn were making a monotonous alarm call as if they had been at it for a long time. They sounded tired.

Then Pumpkin, the fluffy logger cat, ran up the driveway and I thought, 'Okay, they were alarming at the cat."

But they didn't stop. So mini Dachshund in tow I meandered down toward the heifer barn where the big hen flock is. Sneakers untied, eyes still blurred with sleep, not exactly at my best.....

Out of the barn sprang a huge, motley-looking red fox, literally licking his chops. This was a really big fox. Usually when I see one I am surprised by how small they actually are. Not this guy.

I hustled down to find the wire all mashed down on the brooder, some beady, terrified eyes looking up at me, and bodies mashed under the wire. 

Yep, he got the chicks Liz featured on her blog in a post she wrote just yesterday.

I called the kids out to look at the situation. The fox ate eight chicks, and killed a couple others, leaving only six out of sixteen. The six are now in a cat kennel in the dining room, Driving Miss Daisy plumb crazy. She came to us because she is a poultry killer herself and did much damage in a past life. She would like to finish what the fox started I fear. Thank goodness for the kitchen baby gate (which has been keeping dogs in the kitchen for over twenty years.)

So....although I am always glad when my boy calls me, but today I am extra glad. Now there are big jobs to be done before that son of a gun gets the big hens, or the coop full of guineas, turkey and a couple of chickens up on the lawn. 

Or Heaven forbid the turkeys.

Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Well that Sucked

That load of hay we were gonna unload this morning? Yeah, that miserable so and so. right from the get go, I had a lot of trouble with the bales, too big and heavy for wienie me.

However, I was gettin' 'er done. Sorta

Until....the motor cut out on the cross mow elevator, and I didn't see it, as I was trying to get bales down off the pile and they were wedged together like badgers in a burrow.

Then I heard the clanking. By the time I climbed over the tractor tire to shut off the PTO a whole lot of cross paddles on the big elevator were bent.

The boss had to bang them all straight again. After all that fun, I convinced him by looking all weak and worn down to throw the rest of the bales off himself. Soon the cross mow quit again. And again. And again.

Finally he pulled the plug and said, "Let's go get breakfast." 

I will give the man credit. He never said a cross word to me, although he wasn't exactly smiling either.

I didn't argue about breakfast either. There are only a dozen bales or so left on there. If they won't go up into the mow the heifers and cows can eat them. And we were hungry

October Redux

The rosemary bloomed and made seeds this year.
Since I grew it from seed itself that seems kind of cool
It didn't bloom sideways, but it is determined to look like it

Can't get away from the amazement of this month. Who ever heard of making hay in October? Well,actually the boss has been making hay right into November in recent years, thanks to cool, very wet summers and springs.

We have another load to throw off today. I am so proud of myself, throwing off two loads on Monday. And I wasn't even stiff the next day, which utterly astonished me.

Not that I am tough or anything. It is just knowing how to use leverage to get the load apart and get the bales on the elevator.


The rosemary

Today is another balmy, soft one, with the sun rising all silver and gold, and the trees slowly undressing right down to their bones, and putting on quite a floor show as they do.

I have finished the Farm Side for this week....a tale of unloading hay....time to fill the bird feeder, see Becky off to work, and get that wagon done.

Katydid....nope, not a katydid, a leafhopper.... on a clothespin

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Lawn Art

Decorative, innit?

Things with Wings

A Downy Woodpecker got caught on the back porch.
He was very reluctant to leave.

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Purple Finches

Eastern Tiger Swallowtail

The world is in motion these days, whether it be dozens of woolly bears tumbling from the bales of hay as we unload the hay...sorry to disturb your hibernation guys, but this hay needs to go into the barn....or butterflies, or passing hawks, or massive flocks of grackles and blackbirds so noisy that I swear they echo.

Monday, October 13, 2014

Waking up Winter

First of the season, Dark-Eyed Junco
The Carolina Wren is singing loudly by the kitchen.

It's a not unpleasant 38 degrees, supposed to go to 66 later today. Maybe a little rain later, which hopefully will hold off until the two big loads of hay the boss got yesterday are unloaded and stored in the mow.

Fox Tails are so over this year

However, the birds have changed, willy nilly. Not a catbird to be heard or seen. No buntings or orioles, only an occasional robin or two. Warblers are still filtering through..... saw some butter butts yesterday and the common Yellowthroat is still quite common indeed.

But Milkweed is in

But the winter sparrows are threading their way south. The jays are loud and omnipresent again. Clouds of chickadees and white-breasted nuthatches swirl around the feeders as if the snow was three feet deep. We have so many woodpeckers, big beaked and small.

Last of the season

They say it will be 80 by midweek and then cold for the weekend.

The birds know though.....

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Sunday Stills...on the Water

Funny how luck can mess with you. We live right on a river. We went down to said river during a bass and walleye tournament, and during heavy migration time for geese and ducks.

We went right to the parking lot of the tourney and right to the village dock and the grassy area where the geese congregate. We saw thousands of dollars worth of fancy trucks and boat trailers. 

And logs....lots of logs....

We saw hundreds of happy geese.

But not one goose in the water. Or one single bass boat.

We did see leaves and logs floating in the river. And the dock. And two boats moored at another dock. 

For more Sunday Stills.......

Friday, October 10, 2014

Heifers and Apple Jelly

Go together like fish and marshmallows.

Yeah, after finally getting things in order to make jelly out of the apples we got yesterday, I was letting the apples boil when the phone rang.

It was Liz checking in with an offer to get dinner tonight. That is always welcome, of course. 

To answer the phone I had to go over to the dining room windows.....where I spied a bit more red and white than i like to see, even if it is autumn.

The heifers were out. The boss was back mowing. I stammered an excuse, hung up and rushed away.

Enough presence of mind to turn off the stove. Not enough to pick up my phone, which was in its measuring cup for music-making purposes.

I feared that I was going to be dealing with the bull that attacked the boss a bit ago, and thus grabbed an old mop as a weapon.

Thankfully though, he had stayed in the barnyard and it was just Abby, a shorthorn, and Tequila, a red-and-white Holstein of Liz's.

I quickly got them out of the house road, but the gate was shut, with the other three head on the other side of it wanting to join their buddies. I won't bore you with the details of getting the three inside to run away from the gate, while the two outside were chased up the lane so I could open said gate, and then the waiting for the escapees to come back down and look for their friends......

And once they were all inside the barnyard a sumac tree served to fill the gap where they tore down the fence. Then Liz and Jade rushed home to help me get them all back into their regular pen.

Big sigh of relief.

Now, the apples are merrily boiling and the kitchen smells just lovely.


I love to see this Greylag goose, which lives with a flock of resident Canadas down by the state canal building in Fonda. It has been with them for at least five years.

The Greylag goose is a European breed, as well as a common barnyard fowl, said to be the foundation breed for most domestic geese.

They seem to hybridize fairly frequently with Canadas but I have never noticed any crossbreds in the little flock of half a dozen that this one lives with.

Yesterday, probably because I needed photos of floating things for Sunday Stills, the little flock was combined with this larger one, and not one single one was in the river when we went down by the state canal building to take pics. 

What a mess they leave on the grass, and they have almost no fear of people. A few of them stood up when I walked down near the water, and there was a bit of sporadic honking, but mostly they just kept an eye on me as they went about the business of resting in the sun.

We went to the new Fultonville dock and river access area too. That is really nice! I hope it is still open and accessible after the water is let out of the dams...at least the upper part anyhow. It would make a nice place to view the masses of gulls, geese, diving and puddle ducks, eagles, crows, ravens, and other birds that frequent the shallows in front of McDonald's when the water is down.

How I would love to be able to safely put the binoculars on that flock!

 It always frustrates the heck out of me not to be able to photograph the wonderful aggregation of birds that congregates there, because of the danger of the highway running right next to the water.