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Monday, February 02, 2015

Ain't it Perfect

Our boy waited three weeks, laid off at home, with all sorts of unpleasant stuff going on, so he could ride that Arctic Cat at home. He and Jade went out once up on the Tug Hill Plateau and had a nice time, but he wanted to ride HERE.....all those acres, all those familiar woods, and fields, and farm roads.

But, for nearly a month, despite extravagant threats from the weather forecasters and political gurus in Albany we got no snow. Zip, zilch, nada.

He finally got called back to work yesterday....in DC again. I guess the driving wasn't too bad because the folks who would normally be creating traffic were watching the Super Bowl instead....so except for some folks with southern plates that panicked at the first flake he had a decent drive.

However, now that he is far from this area code, we have snow.

Lots of snow

Not quite snowpacalypse but enough that I had to shovel to feed the birds and take Daisy the low-tranny dachsie out this morning. (As you can see, she ignored my efforts)

And it is still snowing.

Sorry Al, wish it was different than it is. Cold as it has been it will probably still be here when you get home.

And meanwhile, guess I will make some chicken soup.

Sunday, February 01, 2015

Bring me another Smurf

...is Grandma's favorite meme on the whole Internet so....

Aunt Becky killed two birds with one stone

She baked a Tardis cake

 And then Peggy modeled for the home version

More Smurfs please!

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Sunday Stills...the Letter O

My mom bought me this opal ring when I turned 16.
 I simply could not capture how blue the stones actually are

For more Sunday Stills.....

Middle Child

Works two jobs just to keep things going.

Brings good books, finds the best authors, pushes me off the deep end of reading.

Time after time.


Best Mac and Cheese in the world....

Need to know something? She'll research it for you. Fastest search in the west...or east....

Always willing, quiet, but strong.

Middle child.....

My Becky

Happy Birthday kiddo...when you choose your birthday books from my collection, choose well.

Love you!

Friday, January 30, 2015

Warms you Twice

These are actually some of the smaller pieces

When we logged off some woods last year at tax time our logger friend left us with some huge boles of maple and some other hard woods that were not what was needed for log wood.

Those we are burning in the wood boiler. Sometimes that takes some serious preparation as they are far too big to lift or to fit through the door.

These pics were taken a couple of weeks ago. As you can see we have had our boy home for a bit, but now he is headed back to our nation's capitol, just in time to miss the Super Bowl, as he has to drive then.

Oh, well, I don't think anyone in the family has any dogs in that fight anyhow. Becky and he conspired to buy their dad a nice TV. The one he had I bought for him way back when we lived in town...since we moved up here in 2001 it was an oldie and not so goody. There is something wrong with the sound on it and whenever the boss went to sleep in front of it, it would creep up from a setting of maybe five to twelve...or twenty.....or nine million and six. It was awful!!!

Since any farmer's wife knows that as soon as a farm guy comes indoors and sits down where it's warm he goes right to sleep, that happened all too often. The new one has a nice picture and the sound is clear and stays where you set it. Ahh....the quiet.....

All well and good, but I still don't watch TV. Maybe the next time the boy comes home we can watch some movies....I still have only seen the first Hobbit movie....then again maybe not. There are still an awful lot of books in the world that I haven't read yet.

*First bird today Northern Cardinal

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Tax Time

What tax time feels like

Or at least---catching up on the book work you should have been doing all year so that you are ready for the accountant---- time.

Last year was depressing. Selling the cows was like losing a family member. Having to do days upon days of new and unfamiliar record keeping and creating of accounts and stuff to tell the tale so that the government can get their share was too painful to contemplate.

So I didn't.

Silly me. It didn't go away just because I avoided the office like a root canal.

So now I am in a full time crappy mood, running back and forth from the office to the kitchen...where I can visit the online banking site to try to figure out what the heck I was doing during those ugly times. 

Note to self...no matter how downed out you are, keep putting those notes in the checkbook. You know, the ones that explain exactly why you transferred five bucks from the boss's account to the farm account. Why you gave one of the kids $17 off the farm account. Where that extra $200 in that deposit came from.

Much as I have hated keeping the books, ever since the boss's mom handed me the bills, the check book, and the meager milk check, and signed off on the job in 2001, I have kept careful, faithful, books. Our beloved bookkeeper, who comes and fixes my mistakes and balances stuff for the accountant has always had kind things to say.

Last year I just didn't. I moped and grouched and hid my head in the sand. It was a lousy year and I was a lousy bookkeeper.

Talking to you all here helped and thanks....blogging is a lifeline for me sometimes, taking the place of keeping a journal, which helped me stay sane (or perhaps sane-ish at least) for many years before this.

However, going back through the months leading up to and right after selling the girls is awful. The story of every inch of disaster is laid right out in black and white....and red....lots of red. Who knew that a checkbook could have a plot and a story line?

It makes me sad to see that a reasonably prosperous 2014 for most who remained in the dairy industry looks like being followed by another bad year for dairy folks, one which may be as horrible as 2009...that awful year of disastrous prices that plowed many farmers under and pulled the rug out from under us in a big way.

Okay, there, thanks for giving me a minute to whine. I know that in real life I am downright stupid with good fortune, great family, good place to live, lots of land both wild and tame to enjoy, dogs, cats, a couple cows left in the barn, poultry, ponies, and plant projects for spring...heck I can talk to all my kids every day, ditto my mom and dad, lots of aunts and uncles too. Beautiful brothers with magnificent wives. Lovely granddaughters all over the place......I have nothing to complain about, and as soon as I get the checkbooks caught up I will do my best to rejoice and not whine.

Meanwhile, stay warm and have a great day!

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Mama's Art

Paintings my mother did of our girls some years ago.

Snow Day

It does NOT look anything like this outside our door

The fridge is full of milk, two families worth. Essential paper products stockpiled  in another room...check.

And bread, we have bread.

The boss met his hay customer extra early so she has feed for her animals.

Our stock is all fed, extra well.

Three loads of wood brought in and covered.

Just in case.

We are ready for this!

And now, not a flake....except for the ones on TV

I ain't complaining cuz I ain't a fan, but after a while it is like the boy who  cried "wolf".

Only instead, it's the forecasters and public officials who haven't got a clue.

The best forecast I heard was from the nice man who brings me bird seed now and then. He said, "I don't think you will get much if any. Probably nothing."

And he was right. However, to the east and south of us folks are getting nailed. Power is out and winds and snow totals are high. I will hold good thoughts for them. 

***all ire directed at hyped up TV broadcasts, not the hard-working people who try to figure out what our weather will be. And at politicians who go so far over the top that they become irresistible targets. You know who I mean.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Whence Commeth these Cats

Miss Cattie fach, one of the three remaining official cats

When the cows left we had maybe eight barn cats. We never have too many as the varmints and the road keep the population low.

We decided to let attrition winnow the ranks and it did. Fighting amongst themselves, the road, mysterious disappearances, they are mostly gone. We now have three cats plus Elvis, who is a story unto himself. 

And then this morning I went over to the barn to tell the boss that his hay customer was waiting for him at the bottom of the hill, and there it was, another cat.

A fairly pretty one, long, black fur, bright green eyes, sitting on the stable cleaner chute and yowling and howling at me for all it's worth.

But just where did he come from?

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Blizzard Warning

Now you see us...species number 21 for 2015

For tomorrow until Wednesday.

Oh, yay. Yes I know it is January but on top of everything else that is going on, we do not need a major storm.

However, that and a dollar will get you a coffee..at some stores at least.

So the boss is talking to hay customers about whether they need hay right away or can wait until after the storm to get it, as he needs to make sure we have plenty of wood to keep everyone warm. Meanwhile, Liz's husband has a serious medical crisis in his family...good thoughts and prayers would be appreciated...so they are wrapped up with that. 

And now you don't, although we are there if you look closely

 I hope you who live within reach of this big storm are going to be somewhere safe and warm with plenty of supplies. Meanwhile, as always when the weather gets bad, make sure to stock up on milk. NY dairy farmers will thank you.

Crows in the backyard during a small squall

Friday, January 23, 2015

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Bark Eater

The little Hudson

Your mission, should you choose to accept it....Mr. Alan and Mrs. Mom.....

"Drive way up into the mountains and find Green Mountain Market, where wholesale, restaurant-grade foods are available at amazingly reasonable prices.

Should that Camaro go faster than the posted limits, don't bother to call. We will disavow any knowledge of your actions."

Bye, bye, NYC, hello Adirondacks.

This is the other side of NY, wild, and natural, where it was not unreasonable for us to keep an eye out for moose as we traveled. 

Because Alan decided, after we successfully concluded the assigned part of the mission, to drive north to go south.

Thus we saw Lake Luzerne, Gore Mountain, West Mountain, heck, lots and lots of mountains. NY is full of them...we saw a Barred Owl sleeping on a power wire, feathers blowing in the wind. 

Alan saw two deer standing near the road nibbling...you guessed it....bark. 

We saw that the wild animals seem to congregate near the snowmobile trails, perhaps because the groomed paths make travel easier. Where there were no trails there were few tracks in the snow. Where the trails approached the highway tracks abounded.

As usual we saw no moose...although Alan did see huge tracks leading into the woods at least six feet apart. Certainly coulda been. I looked for gators as well, having seen none while in Florida and being ever the optimist. None of those either, even when we returned south out of the mountains.

Miles of lonely beauty, scene upon scene of wonder.

Saw the Hudson River twice in two days, once at its huge, flat mouth, bristling with cranes (we saw the one at the link...amazing!!) where the new bridge is being built and yesterday a whole state to the North, where folks rent tubes to ride it and offer guided river tours. Such contrasts at every level.

It wasn't just the scenery. Down in the big town people were self-absorbed, toll takers too busy texting to even reach out for the ticket and money, and not one would say hello no matter how pleasantly greeted and thanked. Too many people, too close together, too little beauty, too much everything....I guess.

In Indian Lake, where we stopped for a minute, small town friendliness saw doors opened politely, pleasant greetings shared, and change back from your dollar returned with a smile. 

We were gone about the same length of time each day, but the second was surely lovelier....running through the Dacks is like coming home...been playing there since I was much younger than Alan. 

Along the way he pointed out the mountains he has climbed...Peak, Hadley, and others. And talked of those he plans to climb in future years.

Me, I've climbed Cathead and Kane, and that is enough. Ran down Kane btw, which is not highly advisable. (Don't try this at home.) Fell in a heap at the bottom, laughing our butts off though. We were twenty-somethings then and silly with it.

And home again, home again jiggity-jig, with boneless chicken, whole pork loin, a big enough can of garlic powder for this kitchen full of cooks (not made in China either) and some nice vegetables.

Mission accomplished.

Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Red Tail Road

This is

As I worked on early morning bill paying and Farm Side writing yesterday, our boy came downstairs and said, "Wanna go to NY with me?"

I had to think for a minute, because I was dressed for the barn, and really had work I should be doing, but how could I say no to an offer like that?

So I dumped my coffee in a red Solo cup, grabbed the binoculars and camera because...birds you know....


And off we went. 

Trips like these are not adventures in Times Square or visiting the Statue of Liberty or shopping for over-priced stuff. He just needed to pay his union dues in Queens.

But still....hours on the road with one of my favorite people....and birds you know....

Of course the Interstate is not an idea birding locale and the city has its limitations, but man, oh, man, did we see Red-tailed Hawks. I wish I had started counting at the beginning of the trip, but we saw dozens of them, often two and three at a time.

I think this is because the mowed areas at the edge of the road, bordered on the other side by brush and trees, offer a wonderful hunting ground.


At any rate, where some people might play punch buggy, we sang out, "There's one."

"There's another one."

We even saw one swirling up the draft on the side of a gigantic apartment building (which gave me shudders at the horror of living in such a place) and several swooping around right in town.

It was, in an odd way, kind of fun. And now I can say I visited the Big Apple in barn clothes.....not everyone can....
