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Monday, June 15, 2015

The Mulberry Shuttle

All birds will be Cedar Waxwings until further notice. Neat looking small bird sitting on the silver-green candles of the Blue Spruce?

Cedar Waxwing

Five small birds tumbling over and over one another like entertainers piling out of a clown car?

Cedar Waxwings.

At least thirty fluttering in every bush and shrub and tree?

Don't bother with the binoculars. 

They are all Cedar Waxwings. They show up about two weeks before the mulberry fruit appears and they are everywhere until fall...

They spend all day every day tugging at the half-ripe berries and devouring them.

Catbirds serve as conductors on the mulberry train. Their sleek, yet subtle uniforms and natty caps never looked mussed......but what about those flashy red under drawers?

Cardinals partake. Robins. Starlings. Baltimore Orioles.

Cedar Waxwings.

Birds that are supposed to be seed eaters, but sneak up there to tug away the berries. Gold Finches. House Finches. Purple Finches. Cedar Waxwings. Yellow Warblers are up to something over there. They claim they are just hunting bugs but I have my suspicions. 

And Cedar Waxwings.

There is never a dull moment out on the sitting porch or up in the bird window, but that's okay.....I enjoy the Mulberry Shuttle.

Sunday, June 14, 2015

Saturday, June 13, 2015

Never a Dull

This was soon all back together, but alas the magneto had a fail

Our boy took a quick trip home to see his dentist Friday

Tractor teamwork

Dentist early in the AM

For Great Grandma M

Tractor repair and trips to the parts store all day long.

Becky finished this really cool crochet needle case, which is much more impressive than it looks in this photo.

And at the end of a busy day he headed back....leaving us all sad and concerned for his trip...but all was calm and peaceful. Butter wouldn't melt in its mouth.

The boys of summer

Then, after the boys of summer stopped by for a visit while I was talking to him on the phone (hands free of course), all Hell broke loose.


Tornado warnings screaming from the TV and an Amber Alert from my phone.

At first we just sat on the porch watching the clouds tangoing over the place. Then it started to feel ominous. I went up on the stair landing and watched to the west. It is the only place anywhere near the house where you can see the western sky.

Soon I was calling everyone up to see what I was seeing.

The consensus was that for the first time since we lived here that we should adjourn to the cellar, which we did.

The sky tantrum soon passed, leaving our phone out of order and a fairly large limb off the honey locust. However, much more damage was done in other areas than here. We were lucky.

It was actually worse than this, but we didn't hang around

I guess it wasn't a tornado, just cloud rotation, but it sure was exciting. I saw things in the cellar that I didn't even know were down there. Gigantic rocks built into the stone and limestone foundation. My little drawers of screws, which I put down there in hopes of someday having a workshop and bench for the boss and me to build things ...I had forgotten all about them. And Liz noticed how neatly the floor joists were cross braced...lots of cool architectural details....I don't go down there much because the stairs are treacherous.

However, I will force myself someday soon and get some pics. Meanwhile below are Liz and Peggy hanging out waiting for the storm to pass.....taken with the phone btw. Camera had to stay upstairs all alone.

Eventually all was calm. Alan made it to DC okay. It stormed all night, but I guess we slept through most of it.....today is all blue and white and fluffy.....but there is still that big limb to remove.

Friday, June 12, 2015

Thursday, June 11, 2015


No sunrise again this morning. It just won't stop raining...

This means, of course, that there is no sense in even thinking about haying. The boss can't even get the stuff that the weather has ruined chopped back on the ground.

The weeds and grass are growing though. 

At the sink at five AM I saw something moving atop the tall stuff next to the horse yard.

Wave, wave, wave.....looked like a baseball game out there. 

And then with a pop they went over the fence.

Deer. In greenery so high all you could see was their tails. Time for the kids to protect their garden up there I think.....

Wednesday, June 10, 2015

Uninspired but Restless

It's cold. It's been raining...a lot....and I am faced with too darned much bookkeeping of the not much fun kind. Thus I find it hard to write about much of anything. 

We are shipping our red heifer today. I hate to do this, as I really like her, but we need beef and I hate to buy it in the store. We have one more beef animal in the pipeline so to speak and then we are going to have to buy one.

Kind of an odd prospect for us. 

Another odd thing. In Florida this New Year I decided I wanted to do better by myself. If I ever got to do other such cool things in the future maybe I could do them better. Faster. Stronger.

I decided to eat less...no diet...just less.

And to do do more. Just do it, you know.

I had done pretty well too, up until Alan got me the phone with the pedometer. Clothes fit better. Felt better. More energy and all.

Then the pedometer entered my life, with that ten thousand step goal each day. I won't lie. Most days I average between 6 and 7 thou...... Mostly because of being busy doing stuff that doesn't involve walking. Haven't figured out yet how to walk and write or keep books.

However, the more I walk the more I want to walk. Talk about restless! I hopped up from the kitchen table yesterday in the early evening, grabbed Daisy's leash, and walked...quickly mind you...up to the Thirty-Acre Lot and back. Just to get moving.

And for the first time in my life I am fitter than my dog!!! There was plenty more walk left in me, but the little sausage ran out of steam. The prospect of carrying a wet, muddy, dog back to the house daunted me so we quit while we were ahead. Of course previous dogs (and hopefully future dogs) were Border Collies, and any and all of them would have still been raring to go even if we walked all the way to the top of 7-County Hill. Dachsies, not so much.

Ain't goals cool though? Whoda thunk it?

Monday, June 08, 2015

My Favorite Month

Busy weekend. Teeth replaced on the double rakes. Tire on the tedder. Little tractor delivered, torn down, frozen-up engine freed and various other efforts towards its eventually running the hay elevator undertaken. Rumor is that it will be a Father's Day present when it is ready to roll.

Photo bombed up on Lusso Rd. I wanted a pic of the mountains
and there were hundreds of Bobolinks and some Meadow Larks.

Some hay was loaded out. Visits from family and friends enjoyed. (Mom, the driveway is not really all THAT bad......)(we love you). A rooster was sold. All chicken houses cleaned.

Gardens weeded and rototilled and a couple more planted. Discovered to my utter amazement two little canna plants up in the asparagus bed. At least ten years ago, before I planted it to asparagus, I had a big bunch of them up there.

I thought I dug them all and in all those years there hasn't been a sign of them. Cannas do not overwinter here even in mild years and the past few winters have been anything, but mild...but there they are. 

Even Miss Catty Fach was busy

The only thing we can figure is when Jade rototilled over the bed he pulled them up from somewhere deep underground where they had somehow escaped the heavy frost.

The Camaro got an oil change and a bath after the guys went to the races and it was turned an interesting new color by all the dust.

And, then, alas, it headed back to Washington for a while...but we sure had fun while its driver was home. The rains came in and finished all possibility of baling the hay that is down.....oh, well....

This was at the car wash ......

Friday, June 05, 2015


Not today

None in the forecast until Monday, but a steady drizzle on that which is mowed up in the Thirty-Acre Lot. 

Alas. Glad he didn't mow any more than he did. 

Oh, well, it was pretty much a shakedown cruise for the machinery anyhow......

Thursday, June 04, 2015

Wot no Santa Maria?

The Pinta out of Wilmington, Delaware

I am doing my darndest to give that pedometer a workout, so I was at the bottom of the driveway ......walk, walk, walk......looking at little flycatchers and deeming them phoebe.... when Liz rumbled down the hill in the pickup.

She was bound for Cumby's to return a movie and buy some milk.

She told me that Jade had seen some kind of ship tied up in Fonda and suggested I join her since I had the camera anyhow. Maybe we could get some pictures.....so I clambered up in the cab...no mean feat for someone of my limited height and flexibility......and off we went.

The ships were tied up at the state barn where we go to photograph geese every now and then. I was delighted to see my favorite Greylag, which hangs out with the Canadas there....and on the river no less. First time I ever saw it actually swim.

See the Greylag on the far right?

And there they were. Two ancient-looking sailing ships tied up alongside the state tugs and tenders. What a divergence! Modern river boats, all red and white and blue and yellow paint. Two vintage ladies, all dark timber and hard lines.

We hurried home for supper and to look them up. Turns out they are museum ships, said to be the best replicas in existence of the ones Christopher Columbus sailed in search of our wonderful continent. They will be docked in Rochester for tours next week.

There was a welcoming committee on the sitting porch

I am so glad Jade spotted them! Who would expect to see a Caravel in Fonda?

A little goose at sunset

Wednesday, June 03, 2015

Flower Power

You could make a wedding bouquet just walking along the driveway picking the wild flowers that grow there. 

Good thing because in a couple of weeks we will celebrate 30 years together. We won't have to spend a dime.

Our bouquet on that first day was a surprise provided by a dear friend who is gone now.

 I was so tickled when she gave it to us...all unexpected, thus all the more welcome. Our elopement plans were shared only with my brother, who had to be roped in to milk for me at the farm where I worked, and her and her husband, who went with us. 

We went out for Chinese afterwards...I had never had Chinese before that, having led a sheltered life.

It is the only way to get married.