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Monday, November 26, 2007

Rainy days and Mondays

Today is both. There is a fine scrim of ice on every bit of ground, which makes walking a challenge. The milk tanker didn't show up this morning and we are hoping he isn't off the road somewhere.

Yesterday was certainly something. First Nick and Wally got into a discussion through the kennel fence and woke me up way too early for a morning off. Then Alan set out to skin and cut up that nice little buck he got. To his dismay something was terribly wrong with it. Every bit of meat was full of holes and blood clots, essentially ruining it. What a shame! We figure that any one of four scenarios is possible.
1) It got policed in a fight with a much larger buck, which did an amazing amount of damage.
2) Hit by a car.
3) EHD
4) (Most likely in my opinion) Some idiot loaded it full of turkey shot thinking they could kill it with a bird load.

Whatever happened, we won't be eating it.

Then the kid brought down the Christmas tree (I use the term loosely). Last year he got us this tree. We teased him about it but we liked it. I expected something similar this year when he suggested getting another, so I said, "Yeah, go ahead."

About an hour later he dragged this thing in the house.

It is over ten feet high and set up it reaches half way across the living room (you can see how wide that is in the shotgun pellet pictures below.) I am not sure quite what to think of it, but looking on the bright side, there will be room for every single one of my many and various Christmas ornaments on it.... For all of Grandma Peggy's too.... And for all the ones that have been languishing in boxes in the attic for a decade or six.

Half decorated



Windyridge said...

What a shame about the deer. That's horrible. I don't know why people do that sort of thing.

Jeffro said...

If I want a Christmas tree grown locally, I get a tumbleweed and paint it.

I'm with windyridge - shame about the deer.

Rebecca Mecomber said...

Sorry to hear about your deer. That is a sheer pain in the ...

No, really, wow. COULD a deer get hit by a car and live?

We had a lovely white husky dog when I was a kid. One day, she turned on me (still have scars on my hands). We found out she "wasn't all there" because her head was full of BB's. My folks figured the neighbor boys used her as target practice and she became sick. Sigh.

OneCowgirl said...

That EHD sounds awful! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

the Red Scot said...

Ohhh, now I see what you meant by "something seriously wrong"...

Anonymous said...

Now THAT is what I call a Christmas forest.

I once hit a deer on a dark country road. Over $800 damage to me, apparently none to him as he scampered off.

Anonymous said...

That tree almost looks like a giant painted tumbleweed! Well, at least you have the house for it. I chuckled as I remembered all the variations of "Christmas trees" that were lugged in from the woods. Sometimes I would hang the lights in a traditional tree shape in hopes that it would be recognizable. But now I find that I remember those misshapen trees fondly, and I think the ones for sale look remarkably like artificial ones.

threecollie said...

WR, It amazes me what you hear. We just heard that someone put two arrows into an Amish cow near here and killed her.

Jeffro, Hah! I don't believe I have ever seen one!

Mrs. M, What a sad story about your dog. Some people are pretty terrible

ocg, It is pretty bad. I love your blog...such wonderful photos!

Red Scot, yeah, it is bad

Jan, it is so absurdly large...you gotta love it.

NW, I think my kids and yours are a lot alike. I miss seeing them!

Stacy said...

Wow...be careful what you wish for. ;)

Cathy said...

Oh I can smell the fresh pine! It's gorgeous. We'll be dragging ours up from the basement next week :0(

(Honest. We used to do 'real'. If we had young'uns at home or grandkids . . . )

threecollie said...

Stacy, good point. lol

Cathy, we had an artificial too, up until last year, because the kids have asthma and the tree bothers them...guess they are just coping this year.

Terry and Linda said...

Terry and I have heard stories about 'people' shooting the deer with birdshot...' so they will get out the yard and die someplace else.' Makes me sick. I believe in the gift of life, not the cruelness of slowly dying. And I believe in the gift of nice good meat for a family. What happened to this animal is wrong.