Upstairs apartment. Downstairs is occupied by noisy wrens so bring your earplugs. I was taking this shot of the robin (I think, since no one lives there any more) nest atop the pillar where our house wrens nest when the mockingbird stopped by for a short serenade. He landed right on this old chair, but he saw me and flew quicker than I could click.
I think I have seen a major benefit from the occupancy of the wren family. (Besides the delightful all day serenade that is.)
Wrens makes nests of assorted short sticks.
They nest in cavities.
They don't like company.
Thus they fill all the cavities in the area with sticks to keep out riffraff neighbors. Although this shifted our favorite chickadees from the sitting porch to the honey locust I think it also shifted all the starlings out of the eaves. Before the wrens they found every little crack or crevice and built their messy nests and raised their raucous babies there. This year there are none for which I am very grateful.
How about this thing on my sitting porch? It popped up over a very short one day it wasn't there and about three days later it was. It is right over my lake chair where I like to sit when I get time. Liz is allergic to various vespids so it has got to go. I am going to bring the garden hose down from the calf pens and get it taken care of soon.
Here is a video from last year of the wrens feeding the kids. Liz took it and I posted it then, but I think it is worth a revisit...and the little ones haven't hatched yet this year.....
Nice pics, I'm glad we finally got high speed, so I can watch your videos. If the starlings are gone, what do you target practice on?
Your bird diversity amazes me!
My wrens are in a hanging basket and today I could see tiny chicks.
Great stuff TC! Hey those paper nests sure do look familiar. Biggest one I've seen was about the size of a volleyball. And yeah they do go up superquick. Don't they? Just don't whack the thing with a broom like someone...
Nita, thanks, it is so nice to be able to see videos and large pages!
And we do have amazing birds...just amazing. I was just out trying to get a photo of the mockingbirds feeding a big fledgling, but by the time I got outside with the camera they were gone.
FC, you are so lucky...oddly enough there were two baby wrens in a pot of basil on the porch this morning...fledgelings, possibly the ones from the pillar. They were so cute, but flew away too quickly for a picture
Steve, now, now, I enjoy them
I like them even if they are such elitists. I don't get shrikes anymore because the wren ran them off so that makes them even more endearing. I can hardly wait 'til we get high speed.
Linda, at first I was irritated that they drove off the chickadees, but they are so entertaining.....
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