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Friday, June 03, 2011

You KNOW You're a Farmer If

You are flattered when you buy a new brand of hair spray and your twenty-something daughter says, "Let me know if this is any good, okay....."

"Of, course," you say, "Why?" (You know her carefree ponytail hair style doesn't usually include hair spray.)

"It's almost time for the shows and the fair. I need something good to do top lines."

Ri-i-i-i-i-ght.......and there goes that fashionista moment.

***For folks who don't show dairy cows, the top line is the ridge of hair on the backbone that is sprayed up and trimmed flat to give the cow a nice, sharp, smooth appearance.

Yeah, she wants to see if my new hairspray is good enough for her cow.

Don't I feel fancy now...


lisa said...

Yep, she is a farmer!

Dani said...


joated said...

Still, you've got that mother-daughter cooperation going on.

LeeAnn said...

1. Be flattered. It's easier. :)
2. I have to say your blog fascinates me because I am terrified of cows. I once got within a few yards of one at a fair, hand outstretched to pet it, and burst into tears and ran.
Had to get a couple of corndogs to calm down. THAT kind of trauma, you know.

~ Sara ~ said...

LOL too funny, but I totally understand...

On the serious side has she ever tried Big Sexy Hair's hairspray... I love it... and it holds up to humidity pretty well...

DayPhoto said...



threecollie said...

Lisa, lol, she sure is

Dani, I am hanging my head. lol

joated, yeah, I guess we do but....

LeeAnn, I actually understand just how you feel. I was a city kid and afraid of cows for a long time....maybe not enough to need a corn dog but I sure didn't like them much. Guess they grow on you after a while. lol

Sara, I will tell her. She is always looking for something good, thanks

Linda, lol, they are picking on me something awful these days around here. Wait til you hear the story about the ten items or less check out line.