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Life on a family farm in the wilds of Upstate New York
BAHWAHA HEE HEE HAALindahttp://coloradofarmlife.wordpress.com
I want one too ;)
Sorry I messed up that link the first time. The actual story is funny as all get out.
That's funny! Actually, a concrete gator might work well for you - you have enough water on that hill to make it believable, and you often have intruders that need a fright!
Right, a concrete gator with a motion detector that gives out horrible noises! That should fill the bill. Mom
NW, I'll put it right beside my cannon!!Mom, perfect! Can you imagine the teasing those cops are getting now!
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I want one too ;)
Sorry I messed up that link the first time. The actual story is funny as all get out.
That's funny! Actually, a concrete gator might work well for you - you have enough water on that hill to make it believable, and you often have intruders that need a fright!
Right, a concrete gator with a motion detector that gives out horrible noises! That should fill the bill. Mom
NW, I'll put it right beside my cannon!!
Mom, perfect! Can you imagine the teasing those cops are getting now!
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