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Friday, March 23, 2012

Farm Side Friday

You can read it here


Mappy said...

Very cool Have thought about growing hops for years. might be fun. !!!!

Anonymous said...

Your Daddy used to bring me pussy willows. Love you all. Mom

Cathy said...

Wish I liked beer :)

But I love the alliteration of hop house and hop crop.

And how nice to know the difference between a 'bine' and a 'vine'.!

threecollie said...

Mappy, sometimes they sell individuals at Coby Agway. I think I will buy one and plant it under the swing set. They are very susceptible to fungal infections which is why I haven't tried one so far, but it seems like a fun thing to do.

Mom, I love them! That bush had been there for years, just a scrubby thing that came up by itself. I only didn't cut it down because the birds like to sing in it. Now I will let it stay forever. Love you guys

Cathy, lol, not all that fond of it myself any more...now peach brandy is a different story.