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Friday, March 23, 2012


I'm sure that in the winter a clothes drier's a fine thing...just a rumbly, numbly, grumbly and your laundry's nice and warm.

And on those gloomy, damp and rainy days too, I'm sure gonna bet.

Not much else that you can do when all your stuff is wet.

But on a sunny, June-in-March day, not unlike this outright fine day

A couple trees and a hank of rope is plain flat out the best way.

A nice, long, waving clothesline beats a homely metal box.

Nineteen ways to sideways, and seven days a week

Bracing breezes set the jeans and sweatshirts dancing


A junco twitters sweetly from the spruce (wish I could "follow" him and hear his "tweets" all springtime long.)

Sun-shined purple petals on the crocus by the pond and the maples cross the river have their summer lipstick on.

Yeah, on days like this I'll take a clothesline any time...Laundry isn't work at all in this sunny springtime world.


Mappy said...

WoW that is just wonderful!!!!
LOve ya!!

Cathy said...

Marianne, my heart is singing and hanging laundry out right along with your poet's heart.

It's Spring.

And your account has made it real. Really real.

Anonymous said...

I think I need to get my clothesline back up too. You remind me of your grandmother Lachmayer, she hung clothes on the line winter and summer. I can remember her hauling them in frozen when we were little. And in summer they flew over the currant bushes as we picked the currants for jelly for her. Wonderful bright loving memories.

joated said...


Jan said...

There are no chemicals or softeners in the world that is like the smell of outdoor drying. i'm with you.

Terry and Linda said...

Ah yes...I love hanging clothes outside! Great poem!


threecollie said...

Mappy, thank you dear brother, love you too

Cathy, thank you!

Mom, I can remember when I was a little kid, lowering the clothesline and being a horse and jumping it. And I remembered Grandma's clothesline and the currents. Love you!

Jan, that's the truth

Linda, thanks!

Ericka said...

i love how lyrical you are. :-)

threecollie said...

Ericka, thank you!