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Wednesday, March 19, 2014


Can you hear that? Yesterday a robin was tentatively clearing his throat with just a handful of translucent water notes. This morning he is in full song, the first robin song of the year.

And that wild whistle from the locust tree? The Carolina wrens are still with us.

Birds all around, testing phrases from the songs they will soon be singing, light up the morning all the brighter. 

How not to love a golden dawn, laced with early bird song, and edged by glowing contrails? Guess morning is my time of day, and spring, however belated, my time of year.

We've got storms coming in I guess and plenty more of winter. But I heard the first red-winged blackbird yesterday, a true harbinger of better.

Look who's nesting in the snag right behind the barn.
Hope the wind doesn't take his condo down, because I sure can't wait to see his family,


Jacqueline Donnelly said...

Thanks for sharing this happy morning news, as well as the wonderful woodpecker shot. I heard the Tufted Titmouse's "Wheat! Wheat! Wheat!" yesterday while struggling through crusted snow, and it gave me hope.

Cathy said...

I could hear it.
The promise.
Thank you, Marianne.

Terry and Linda said...

The birds really do bring us spring...much more than anything else...warm days, sunshine, green stuff...but bird song...loud and clear and SURE!!

✿♥ღ Linda

threecollie said...

LIsa, boy, the birds are showing up fast now.

Jacqueline, oddly we have them around too, but they are not coming into the feeders. I hear them, but never see them.

Cathy, grin....lots of storms in the offing I guess...but it is warm today.

Linda, they do! Woke up to lots of singing and chirping.