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Sunday, September 08, 2024

Hey S*ms*ng

This is a bird
I like bird apps
NMM (No more math)
*Female Common Merganser

And all your parent companies and providers
....Goo Gull, this means you too!

Please be kind enough to cease to install stoopid games on my phone every time there is an update and sometimes in between. Also smart games. Quit it with them too please.

Particularly Sudocooties! I am and have always been math challenged. I do not think in numbers.  I wrote a newspaper column for 23 years...I think...numbers challenged and all. Words are my thing. As in, failed Algebra and aced English and French and learn the Latin names for birds, frogs, and fish....for fun!

Stupidoku is more Greek to me than ancient Sumerian would be. I don't even understand HOW you play it, let alone why. And I don't want to.

Also my phone is crammed with bird apps and pictures of my grandkids, dogs, ponies, garden flowers, and random cool stuff. There is no room for anything involving numbers or movie stars whose words pass for news in your version of culture.

Just cut it out. I am going to uninstall all that junk anyhow and you make me awful cranky.

Thanks, that is all.


Terry and Linda said...

I don't think in numbers either!!!

Shirley said...

I disabled all notifications on my phone, but still get the odd one that sneaks in there. Life is too short to spend time on useless and trivial pursuits on a phone - ha, tell that to the current younger generation. They are all getting mind numbed because of their addiction to their devices.

threecollie said...

Linda, I am utterly math challenged!

Shirley, I play a couple of games on my phone but I hate that so many are installed without my permission whenever the phone updates.