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Monday, September 09, 2024

Amsterdam Bird Walk


Last Saturday I had the fun of participating in one of George Steele's urban bird walks at the gateway bridge in Amsterdam. Several other birders also attended, and, man, oh, man, some of them are amazing bird spotters...

George leads these walks at the beginning of each summer month, with birds ranging from Ruby-throated Hummingbirds to Bald Eagles being spotted this time. An earlier walk is where I first learned of the Peregrine Falcon family that nests on one of the bridge supports.

There is a surprising variety of habitat for so populated an area, with an overgrown brushy area that is home to catbirds and cardinals, the water, both in the stream that meets the river there and the river itself, plus frequent thermals near vulture roosts, and open grassy areas. We often visit in early evening this time of year to look for Common Nighthawks there and have found them a couple of times. 

If you get a chance, join the group at the boat launch by the bocce court above the bridge. Maybe I will see you there.

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