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Saturday, November 05, 2005

The weather is amazing for November. Last night a cricket was chirping, albeit hesitantly, when I came over from the barn. The frogs stagger up from hibernating on the bottom of the water garden and lie on the leaves just taking the sun for a while every day. The white throated sparrows are singing spring songs and the mum Frank and Vonnie gave me is blooming again. We are even still eating fresh lettuce from the pots that I planted by the back door a few weeks ago. I planted a winter mix from Pinetree Seeds and it is the tastiest we have ever grown. I pick a leaf almost every time I walk by just to eat out of hand. It is a wonder there is any left.

This warm, dry weather can last as long as it wants to as far as I am concerned. It is such a relief to have the seemingly endless rains over. We still have two corn fields that the guys can't chop because they are too wet. I sure wish they could as we really need the feed for winter.

However, as soon as they take a tractor into them water runs right out of the tire ruts. Maybe we should start growing rice! If they can't get them off they are going to mow down about forty acres of third cutting alfalfa and go after that. I sure hope the snow holds off.

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