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Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Big dog fight here last night. Right in the middle of the living room in fact. Younger border collie brother, Nick, (6) lit into older brother, Mike, (11) with genuine, four star, malicious intent. It was plumb ugly and a darned good thing I was standing right there when it happened. Otherwise there would have been some vet bills for sure. As it was my gorgeous little ninety-four-cent African violet was a casualty and lost a number of leaves and flowers when they tipped over the table it was sitting on. At least they stopped when I let out a stupendous bellow of, "That'll do!!" Guess it pays to maintain my position as dog boss and owner of all the food. Nick and I had an intense little discussion under the dining room table where he ran and hid after said bellow. Then I chucked him in his crate to ponder his sins for a while.

Later I brought some nice, fluffy rye straw over from the barn and stuffed it into the Dogloo in his kennel. Thus he had the option of being warm when I made him stay out all day today. He is well haired up and pretty much used to the cold, so it didn't really hurt him any. However, I figured a few hours of cooling his jets would make it a little easier for him to behave when I brought him back in. He did go in the doghouse now and then but for the most part spent the day barking at cats and running back and forth. I kept the two of them apart tonight just in case. Guess it's the price you pay when you maintain an artificial pecking order. Young vigorous dog, Nick, would be top dog over my old boy if I let him be. However, I don't.

***Don't forget to vote for Thoughts From the Middle of Nowhere for the Weblog awards (see previous post.) Go ahead, do it right now, you know you want to.

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