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Wednesday, January 18, 2006

I see that two more people have been charged in matters relating to the secretive organization Earth Liberation Front or ELF. These two are blamed for a fire bombing of a slaughterhouse and of a lumber yard. I have been ranting about these radical domestic terrorists for years in the Farm Side. It is good to see some of their crimes coming home to roost. This pair is facing up to twenty years in prison along with some hefty fines if convicted.

1 comment:

threecollie said...

This has been the least covered big news story I have ever seen, except possibly the one about those 8000 terrorists trained by Saddam Hussein.
ALF and ELF have done hundreds of firebombings, lab raids and releases of animals. They have destroyed reams of valuable medical research materials and yet, unless you make an effort to read local papers across the nation you never hear anything about it. The only reason I am so aware of it is that I have done a bunch of research on animal rights, a topic that is very important to farmers, for my column.