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Thursday, January 26, 2006

People ask us all the time why we have this huge set of scales in our dining room. We are never quite sure how to answer, because there is no real reason. We bought it years ago when a local knitting mill went out of business. They must have done a lot of weighing because they had several of these big ones, plus a number of somewhat smaller units for sale for various prices. I think we paid $125 for ours.

Anyhow we were noodling around the old warehouse where the sale was being held and both, separately, came to the conclusion that one of them would be just right for this old house. We just had to have it.

My mother-in-law was alive then and living up here (we lived in town and commuted). She was as taken with the scale as we were, when we hauled it home, but we couldn't figure out how to get it into the house. Thus it lived on the porch for several years until she passed away and we moved up from town. When we hired movers to bring the fridge and other heavy items up we got them to bring the scale indoors. Now there is sits among the guitars and shotguns in all its glory.

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