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Friday, January 13, 2006

Seen in an area mall entryway last weekend: Two young Amishmen seated at one of those video games where two players can race cars against one another with lots of smashing and crashing. They were looking over their shoulders kind of sheepishly, but having a heck of a time.

Becky stayed inside to vacuum and cook her famous mac and cheese tonight. Along about half way through the night she put her Green Day CD into the player and cranked 'er up. The house immediately filled with a miasma of stink that could only come from one source. That's right, he was up on the back porch looking for cat food I guess. Anyhow, the entryway didn't smell too awful good when the rest of us came in from the barn, although he didn't let off a full shot at least. Guess this means that they will have to change the name of the genre from punk rock to skunk rock.

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