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Thursday, January 19, 2006

We all went to the gym* (see glossary below for technical terms) today for a nice workout. First we all went on the stair master**. Then we all did 123 cycles*** on the treadmill**** and 25 on the Bowflex*****. There was much whining, a real no pain, no gain kind of thing. Except the boss and me. We have been partaking of this kind of workout for so many years that we know that the best way is to just shut up and get it done.

**mow ladder
***pulling these things off the skid steer bucket and dragging and stacking them
****bales of alfalfa hay, 70 pounds each
****bales of nice straw, much lighter, thank God!

Yeah, we got in a nice load of hay and straw today and put it up in the mow. My nephew always used to say that unloading hay was like a trip to the gym, and I guess he must know. All I know is that I am glad that it is done.


Anonymous said...

Hey, love the pics of the bunnies and the horsicle and that bodacious blue sky. Done with new camera?? Well done! How do I stop my laffin fit (your description of "gym")? Must pass that translation on to everyone here in CA! There are beautiful hills and mtns to hike here yet these people pay lotsabucks to go to a gym and do stairsteppers and such. (wipes tears from laughter from eyes)

threecollie said...

Done with new camera...best toy since the first computer....