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Monday, February 20, 2006

At College Today

One of Liz's friends found out that the reason her apartment mate had not been back to school in a while was that she had been arrested in NYC.....for allegedly murdering her last roommate. The person in question is out on bail and back in school, so the friend moved in with another mutual friend. Whew! Liz said that she felt like coming home and kissing her brother and sister, just for not putting her through stuff like that. There is something to be said for living at home.

A couple of other NYC kids sat in the lounge today complaining loudly about how terrible their recent visit to the cow barn had been. The cows stink and they are big and mean and ugly. And how can anybody stand to work around them...and on and on about how awful the ag portion of the school makes their lives.

After a few seconds they noticed the thickening silence around them. Then one very large, solid, good old boy informed them that he was a farm kid, quite liked cows and did they want to make something of it. The city kids quickly appealed to the rest of the folks in the lounge. After all there couldn't be more than one cow lover on campus could there? And cows really do stink don't they? However, they discovered that every single other person in the entire lounge was an aggie. They decided to leave while the going was good and the ag students had a good laugh. I wonder what part of ag and tech school they missed when they enrolled.

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