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Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Just a dusting of snow this morning. It snowed off and on all day yesterday too...when it wasn't raining that is. Still, Peg's daffodils are peeking out, tucked into the corner of the foundation as they have been faithfully since long before I came here. Bulbs are like money in the bank, except that they pay interest by making the place look nice, which is hard to spend, but mighty enjoyable just the same. Actually I think the clumps beside the house were here before the family bought the place over forty years ago, and for who knows how long before that.

Another Farm Side deadline has come and gone; this week compensation for unfunded takings of private property, in particular regulation of what the view looks like, is the focus. It was pointed out quite strongly to me recently, by a local agri-pundit, that the folks driving by the place don't own the view and are really reaching when they tell you that you can't put wind generators in your back fields because they don't like the look of them. Let's see what response that opinion brings!

1 comment:

Deanna said...

My dad planted daffodils all around our house and, even though he's been gone a couple of years now, it's like he's here when those beautiful yellow faces pop up.