Kids all in school, the boss gone to get some firewood some friends gave us, nothing but peace and quiet. However, if you have ever seen our house, you know it looks, well, different. We also have an Interstate running in front of it, just on the other side of the state road we live on. This all leads to people, sometimes several cars per weekend, traipsing up here figuring to take a look around. (At least one walked right in the kitchen door to meet Mike teeth and all on the other side.)
It got so bad that when the boss’s mother was alive and living here alone, we put up large, explicit signs at the bottom of the driveway warning people that trespassers will be firmly discouraged.
Didn't work. I was just sitting here taking an innocent coffee break when Nick opened up. Wally didn’t bark, so I figured Nick was barking at a cat and ignored him. Then Gael barked. Mike barked because Gael did. However I didn’t see anybody, so I still didn’t pay any attention.
Then Nick really went nuts, way too much for a mere barn cat alarm, so I stepped out the back door to holler at him. And practically stepped on two guys. Creepy guys. One said, “I’m from (somewhere, didn’t catch it) Illinois. Are you familiar with that, Illinois, I mean?”
Well, gee, no duh, I am a hick from the sticks, why would I be familiar with the state where my brother lived for half his adult life?
Out loud I said, “Of course I am, what are you looking for?”
The jerk explained that he stopped at the neighbors and they told him to come up and ask if he could take pictures. Well, of course he could. I love to be home all by myself and step out the porch and meet a nice upstanding fellow who just happened to drive right by my “no trespassing, private drive” signs so he could take pictures of the house I just happen to live in. I mean, he couldn’t have taken them from the road could he?
I told them to be damn glad the boss wasn’t the one who came to the door, take a picture from the driveway and get themselves gone.
Then I wrote down their license number, came inside and listened to my heart pound for a while. They really scared me. And they had New York plates, not Illinois.
Thank God for dogs.
Of Childhood
12 hours ago
Whew! That does not sound good. As an excop,let me say, congrats on writing down the license tag. Such a simple thing, but easy to forget in the heat of the moment.
Be careful out there.
Thanks, they gave me a very bad feeling. People drive right by the sign all the time, but there was just something about those guys.
I think these dumb people don't think of themselves as "trespassers"! Not them, just nature lovers or serious picture takers. I suggest you just put a sign that says, "All nature watchers/sightseeing people on our property will be shot. Maybe that will get their attention. Probably not legal but I bet it would work. Or maybe a sign, "Sightseeing site, $100 charge per car. Pay at top of the hill.
Sorry about these idiots bothering you, glad your dogs are on top of it all.
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