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Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Good reading

Here is an interview with Jeff Soyer of Alphecca and Tarazet.

The man is plumb brilliant.

I wish I had one tenth of his genius
and way with words! If everyone listened to his arguments in favor of Second Amendment rights, we would not be worrying about them being abridged.


Anonymous said...

Good interview...

I wanted to stop in to let you know about my latest post on my horse blog below...

It's a 4 part series on horse & deer flies.

I know cattle are affected by their bites as much as horses are & I wanted some of your comments so I can add them to one of the chapters on home remedies commonly used in the horse/livestock community (a pros & cons post).

I'm curious as to what ya'll use to fight off the pests &/or any complications/stories you can share with me.

I would name your dairy & blog & include links within the post too.


Carina said...

Now I am in favor of upholding the second amendment, but seems to me this guy is getting lots of extra mileage by holding forth as a "gay gun nut."
My ex was in a firearms league (collecting and shooting) way above this guy's head, and from what I know, every one of the "gun nut" stereotypes held true. I've been to lots of national meets and shoots and if J.S. thinks he is being accepted just like all the other boys, he is certainly *not* privy to behind-his-back conversations. Being the token gay gun nut isn't the same as being accepted, I assure you!
So, the gay part is irrelevant IMHO but I agree with everything else he says.

threecollie said...

I guess don't care about the gay part of the equation much. As long as folks of that persuasion don't expect me to jump on the band wagon, I just ignore that aspect of their lives. I suspect that getting along that way would work for a lot of people who get all bent out of shape about it. I agree with Jeff's opinions and admire the way he expresses them.
I have have known so many people over the years, whom I did not know were gay until after they became good friends, that I just can't get excited about their choice of dates one way or the other. They are still the exact same people that I came to like for other reasons after I found out as before I knew.
One of the best teachers my kids ever had was gay. Our child could barely read upon reaching his class. By the end of two years (3/4) class that same kid was a top student and graduated in the top ten in their class taking and acing all kinds of AP courses.
And I really admire the thought processes that came out in the interview. It does a darned good job of offering logical reasons why gun control is wrong-headed, and in fact dangerous, to our safety and freedom. Here in the country we need firearms for a number of reasons and I would like to continue to be able to own them. Thanks for commenting