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Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Tornado warning today and this is what we saw. It never made it to a tornado here, but north of us it did some damage.


Wil said...

That's close enough for guv'mint work...

threecollie said...

It was one heckuva storm. Blew rain right through the sides of the house whereever a porch or balcony joined on and in the edges of the windows. It was wild!

Carina said...

I love love love wild weather!
I was in a semi at a truck stop in Iowa when a giant humungous twister tore up acres of corn field in back of the truck stop. The suction was so great beforehand, I couldn't open the truck door (to get into the building.) Dark green sky, then the twister came through and dirt and corn slapped and pounded on the truck, couldn't see a thing...and just like everyone says, it sounds exactly like a freight train going right past you.
It was just AWESOME.
PS that is a cute Rana clamitans gardenpondiensis too. LOL. (I love cut and paste.)

threecollie said...

You are WAY braver than I am. We were about ready to hit the cellar when the wind got to keening and howling around the house. The third name down there is just my unscientific scientific description of where he lives. lol. We have two out there, both males. They sing to each other all the time...

Anonymous said...

Looks and sounds like quite a storm. Reminds me of the year we lived in Oklahoma.

threecollie said...

Hi REgular Guy, Our oldest talks about moving to Oklahoma....and we have been warning her about weather!

Anonymous said...

We get hurricanes out this way, mostly...
but twisters can develop within the storm... making canes double fun...lol
